Primer interchangeability question

The Plainsman

New member
This seems like kind of a goofy question, but I've never found anything that addressed this issue - are primers interchangeable at all?

I'm not talking Winchester WLR and Remington 7 1/2 SR. I'm talking about CCI 400 and Remington 6 1/2 Small Rifle and others primers which are the same size as another brand.

I found a table on the web site which seems to suggest some interchangeability, but is more probably simply a matter of size.

Anybody know??? :confused:


New member
the size of all small rifle primers are the same however that doesn't mean they will all shoot the same as far as accuracy is involved


New member
There is a good possibility that pressures will change when going to a different primer, possibly pushing pressures passed the safe level. It is a good idea to work up when switching to a different brand of primer.


New member
Primers of like kind, size, and application are generally interchangeable. That is any standard small pistol primers should be OK in pistol ammunition. Likewise for large pistol. However, use of magnum primers will produce higher chamber pressures. So unless magnum primers are specifically recommended by a reloading manual, their use should be avoided. Powder charges should always be approached from conservatively low levels and increased with meticulous care.

knightkrawler00 makes a good point in the above post.

Rifle primers are constructed of harder metal and are not recommended for handgun ammunition. Unreliable ignition could result in addition to increased firing pressures. Needless to say, handgun primers should not be used in rifle ammo.

This is not a reloading topic for the application of 'creative thinking' or improvisation. Stick to specific guidance given in authoritative reloading references.

As you know, reloading of ammunition presents significant elements of danger. To avoid unnecessary risks, steer clear of uncharted territory. Repeating, it is always advisable to adhere to components and materials recommended by reliable and professionally-based sources.

The Plainsman

New member

I couldn't agree with you more; however, the issue that raised this question was a recipe which used CCI 400 primers.

I had the various powders that the recipe called for, but no CCI primers. However, I did have some Rem 7 1/2 SR primers. Since the two primers are basically the same size, the question passed through my mind, "Hmmm, I wonder if these 7 1/2's would work instead of the CCI 400's." Then I stumbled across the primer matrix that I mentioned in my first post. That got me to wondering even more. I kept finding recipes that called for the primers I had, but not the powders, or the powders I had, but not the primers. At the time, the "correct" primers and powders were unavailable.

See where I'm at ??? I'm not suggesting that I begin experimenting with new loads. Sometimes I may be a little dumb - but I ain't STOOPID!! :rolleyes: Anyway, maybe now you can see what I'm looking for. It may not even exist, but I thought I'd ask.

I appreciate all your responses, though. ;)

Mal H

The short answer is yes, they are interchangeable. The important point was covered by ArmaLube in his very first sentence: "Primers of like kind, size, and application are generally interchangeable." So primers in the same column of the matrix you have are interchangeable without too much need for worry unless the powder load is already at the maximum wieght. In that case it is always advisable to back off a little and work up. I know you knew that, but it bears repeating for any new reloaders out there.

For your specific case, Rem 7 1/2 and CCI 400 primers are not interchangeable without lowering the powder charge and working back up. Rem 7 1/2 is a magnum primer and CCI 400 is a 'standard' primer.


New member
The Plainsman,

There is absolutely no insinuation of any lack of intelligence on your part. As you know threads here are usually read by many and details are sometimes intended as much or more for others than for the originator.

Mal H summarizes the situation very nicely.

Best wishes, :)

The Plainsman

New member

No offense taken. :eek: My apologies to you. I didn't mean to sound like I was insulted. Sometimes my semi-arrid sense of humor just gets away from me. I reckon we'll just have to get to know one another better. ;)


New member
I've heard but CANNOT SUBSTANTIATE that Winchester Standard Primers, at least their large rifle primers were hotter than other large rifle primers.

I imagine that the old saw about reckecking your loads in the event that ANY component is changed, is worthy of consideration.


New member
Primer interchangability

I'm not sure it's very meaningful but I ran a small test awhile back. I used a lower loading in my .308 and-- keeping everything else as nearly identical as possible-- I fired twenty shots each with Winchester Primers, CCI-BR primers, CCI 200's and CCI-250's. The BR's gave the lowest velocity and poorest accuracy, while the -200's seemed to give the best of all worlds. The Winchesters gave the highest velocity but the accuracy wasn't the best. I took plenty of time with the test, letting the barrel cool for several minutes between shots. Actually, I had hoped fopr some more definitive results since it took so long to shoot.

Anyway, as soon as I get through with all these Winchester primers, I'm going to buy strictly CCI-200's.
