Primary Victories and Losses


New member
Here's the tally:

Arizona: On the Republican side, Matt Salmon was selected as the Republican choice for the general election. Salmon, as you know, bashed state agencies for denying employees the ability to protect themselves if they have concealed carry permits. He will be facing Jane Napolitano on the democratic side.

New Hampshire: We lost one of the most pro-gun voices in the Senate, US Senator Robert Smith. New Hampshire gun owners better make it clear to Sununu that any support of gun control is unacceptable. We also lost our best chance of a filibuster of an assault weapons ban renewal in the Senate coming up after the elections. He's running against Jeanne Shaheen. Governor's race will be between Craig Benson (R) and Mark Fernald (D). Though New Hampshire firearms law is great, there's still no preemption language in statute yet.

North Carolina: Liz Dole won the Republican nomination, Erskin Bowles (A former Clinton flunky) got the Democratic nomination. No winners here for us. Both are anti-gun, despite Liz Dole's recent "switches" on the issue of gun control.

Vermont: Jim Douglas won the Republican nomination, Doug Racine won the Democratic nomination. Unknown effect. Vermont gun rights groups are pursuing statewide preemption legislation, due to violations of the state's constitution by the cities of Rutland and Burlington which were struck down in the mid 1990's.

Minnesota: Tim Pawlenty won the Republican primary. Roger Moe won the Democratic primary. Tim Penny won the Independence Party nomination, and apparently is Jesse Ventura's "successor", but his former democratic credentials make it worrysome, and he doesn't have the "star power" that Ventura had. Pawlenty has already said he would sign the CCW reform bill into law, Roger Moe has done everything possible to obstruct it in the state Senate.

Florida: Here we go again. McBride narrowly won, but Reno is talking about suing over ballot irrregularities. *sighs* McBride's statement on gun control is "he doesn't see the need for new laws". However, it doesn't mean he wouldnt' sign it or let it become law if it hits his desk. Jeb Bush easily won the Republican primary.

Rhode Island: Why am I putting RI in here? Well, I believe RI can pull it together and pass CCW reform. Don Carcieri won the Republican primaries, and Myrth York won the Democratic one. Nothing is stated about gun control or CCW reform on Don's page, but Myrth's page on issue doesn't mention anything about gun control, but a quick look at what she supports seems to fit the Democratic agenda of progressive socialism to a T. Someone should probably contact the Carcieri campaign and see what's going on with him on CCW reform. The Attorney General's race has pretty much been decided: Only one major party candidate has run, and that's Patrick Lynch (D). I've tried contacting him on his policy on issuing carry permits, but he never responded. Assume hostile.

Well, that's it. Hopefully, things will turn out better during the general elections....

part swede

New member
On a minor note, in MD, Mark Shriver (of you know what clan) lost in the Democratic primary for Congress. I saw his commercial recently in DC in which he preached to school students of his hatred for the NRA.


New member
You forgot about New York! (Of course that is not necessarily a bad thing!)

No, Gov Pataki and Carl McCall both won their respective Republicrat and Democrap nominations.

But Puketaki was trying to corner the Independence party and lost to a wealthy businessman named Golisano. Now it is a three way race and Putztaki will be the big looser.

Golisano's latest statements to NY SCOPE indicate he supports RKBA. OK well he sorta supports RKBA, but hasn't in the past. :rolleyes:

Every gun owner should suck it up and vote for a third party, even if it means Democraps taking over. They can't screw us any worse than Dorktaki has. Even Mario the emperor Cuomo wasn't as bad as King George.

King George has Gotta Go!


New member
The problem is, George Pataki never supported gun rights in New York. He supported more gun control, and has pretty much indicated he'd never sign CCW reform.

So what's the difference? Maybe George Pataki will become the Dan Lungren of the NY Republican Party, and teach the state Republicans there a lesson.


New member
Blackhawk...I am already getting what I do not want from Pataki.

He even vetoed "Eddie the Eagle" in schools after the Democratic legislature voted FOR it!

Gun owners in New York need to sent the Republicrats a strong message!


New member
Re: Vermont. It does have statewide preemption, enacted in 1988. Municipalities still try now and then, but they continue to get shot down.