Prices still high

Don P

New member
At the gun show today, no small primers available. Large primers $45 per 1k, and powder Titegroup 8lb. $145 most other powders were the same in price.

That'll Do

New member
Yup, this is pretty much the case across the country. I've just recently been able to regularly find primers in my local shops, and even then they're $10-$15 more than normal (pre-Obama Panic).


New member
I think once the hoarding is over prices will drop back to normal. If not I feel like lots of people will cut down considerably shooting. And we always thought they would come and get our guns. Wrong, all they have to do is cut way back on components. I just cancelled an order on bullets that I have been waiting for over three months. I am lucky I hoarded a bunch of powders.


New member
At the gun show I waited in line f0r 45min. to get primers for $35.00 and limit was 1,000 rifle and 1,000 pistol per person. Only one supplier had primers, except Other *******s trying to scalp them for $50.00 to $65.00 per thousand. And they were standard primers not benchrest.


Price gouging is not as evil as the nightly news would have you think. It keeps the hoarders from buying it all and ensures that more people can get what they need. Same way with gasoline and batteries in times of natural disasters. Outlawing price gouging only encourages hoarding.


New member
Was at the gun store today and saw a women with a box of 1000 SP primers. I said to the guy you have primers, he said just got some in only $59.00:eek::barf: If I hadn't already bought and paid for stuff I would have walked out:mad: If I have to pay that I will give up shooting and reloading:eek: