Priceless "Soldier of Surrender" cover image


New member

It's downright priceless :)


New member
Seriously, whoever did this needs credit. It's hillarious, probably gonna be REAL popular. I wound up saving it and putting it on my website because I don't want to lose it in th event the source crashes from a bandwidth overflow.

I don't know if it's hit yet or not, but when it does it's gonna go over with a roaring success.


New member
Where did you find it at? I originally posted it over at and just sort of forgot about it until I saw it on another website.


New member
Maybe that's where others had found it then, it was actually on a gaming forum(the Firearmsmod for Halflife) where it's a favorite past time of the members to bash on the French military. Some are readers, a few notorious photoshoppers even like SinistralRifleman

The flashbunny site is great, love the "Nuke Berkley" t-shirt. May need to get one.


New member
In next month's issue...

"AK-74 vs M-16A2: Which is scarier?"

"Hands on the head, or over the head? Our experts give you the straight scoop!"

"Essential German: How to grovel before your Teutonic overlords like a pro!"

"LBEs: We tell you which system allows you to surrender fastest!"

All this, and much, much more in the November issue of Solider of Surrender. Reserve your copy now!


New member
I sent it to my son at Army Times

I sent it to my boy that writes for Army Times magazine.

He'll appreciate it more than most.

Don P.

50 shooter

New member
Don't forget "Boot licking" 10 new tongue exercises.

Or "Mud stains" How to remove them from your knee's and your back.


New member
New camo patterns for spring and summer wear!
Basic black: always an option
Boots- make that nasty old uniform look sexy!

The Maginot Line- will it fail?

Speedbumps- new defenses against the dreaded panzer

Battlefield Brie- how to keep your cheese fresh in the field

Mike :D

Mike H

New member
Kind of ironic when you remember that it was the French who secured victory for you in the Revolutionary war, or are we all forgetting Yorktown.

Now I find THAT funny.

For crying out loud, when will you lot realize that the ITALIANS are the biggest cowards in the western hemisphere, the French are just rude.

Mike H