Price of Colts


New member
I guess I goofed mentioning a dealers name, my post seems to have disappeared. Question has anyone priced NIB Colts at any dealers lately? How about a NIB Series 80 .45 Gold Cup/National Match in Polished SS for $5000.00 or an Anaconda w 6" barrel in SS for $1400.00. I saw these at a dealers the other day. Not Special Serial Number or anything like that. Dealer explained prices by saying Colt not going to produce any more so price went up.


New member
Sounds like a crock to me. I was at my favorite gun shop today and all the Colts are the same price as always. Made a joke about jacking up the prices and they just shook their heads no.


New member
Your other post is still there. I just read it. You can write "Mashburn" on here without your post being removed. You did not say anything nasty about them, but those prices are ridiculous. I am looking for a Colt Magnum Carry (357 snub), but I won't pay more that retail for one. They are not worth more than that to me.



New member
:( There is not a 1911 anywhere near me. I have looked and looked. Everyone snatched them up back in Dec. I asked a couple of shop owners in my area and the said "sure they could find me one for about $700.00" I guess thats what I get for wainting to the last minute. My Browning will have to see me through the next Century.


New member
I know a dealer here in S.C. that has two COLTS on display that have the same price as 3 months ago. He told me he could make 20% as marked so thats the price.(and NO it is not over-priced to start with !)

Another honest man.
best dewey


New member
I just picked up a M1991 Commander last week in mint condition, for $575. The gun looks almost new, has a stainless guide rod, and a pretty nice trigger pull.
My dealer also had a couple of blue Government models for $525, & $625 in decent condition, but no NIB. I think that what I paid is around average, and have seen Gold Cups for around $800 & up. Just shop around, and see what's out there.
Good luck,