Price gouging

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New member
Just called around looking for small rifle BR -4 primers everyone is out
of stock, so I asked how much for a 1lb can of W 748. I was shocked $47.98


New member
I've never been gouged on trivials in my life. I do have a memory for those who have tried to rip me off, a LOOOONG one; there are shops I haven't set foot in since the frantic of '08. Of course there have been times I went without some items I wanted for a long while but shooting's ONE of my hobbies, not my life, and I refuse to be ripped off.

P.A. Dutchman

New member
I also have a long memory. Back in '79 during the gas shortage I waited in line for 20 minutes to gas up at a local station. When I was next in line the attendant yelled that's it for today. I said hey I have been here waiting for over 20 minutes. He cut me off real snotty and said "I said that's all for today." Till this day I never went back to that station and I pass it twice each weekday for 33 years. I'd drive 50 miles out of my way for gas before I went back there. I feel the same about any business that takes advantage of me.


No gouging...those who want pre-election low prices are exactly the same folks buying everything up and them listing it on GB at 10x the price to make a killing, but complain if the retail store tries to keep his doors open. If he sells out of everything, then he has nothing to offer anyone and then he closes his doors - obviously, there are some folks who have never run a retail business and do not understand econ 101 about supply and demand

I have watched several threads where folks bragged how they sold an AR or parts or .22 ammo for huge price profits and didn't consider themselves "gougers"

It sure is funny how folks wanting to buy in high demand/low supply times complain about "gouging", but when they are a seller making a big profit, they like to brag about how they "scored"

Sorry folks, it doesn't wash. A business is in business to make a profit. Not knowing IF he can get new inventory or WHAT his new pricing might be, he needs to price his goods at current market value, not some arbitrary MSRP, but at "what the market will bear"


New member
What you hate worse, an empty shelf or a high price? In a shortage, it will be one of the other. I dont like either one, but those are the choices.

Mac Sidewinder

New member
I understand supply and demand. I also don't begrudge a business on making a profit. I also have the final say on whether I will buy a product or not. BUT what really makes me mad is when stores skyrocket prices even though their suppliers have not. You can say all you want about the store owner not knowing when they might get product back in and having to close their doors, etc. but I'm sure before the rush happened they were pricing their products with a profit in mind. They weren't giving away at a loss their merchandise. And I disagree that they should jump their prices simply because they can.

You see it all the time at the gas pump. If the price of oil goes up, the stations immediately jump their prices, even though the gas they bought from their supplier sitting in their tanks is already paid for, they raise the price they want for it. To me this is wrong. We have a gas station near us that only changes their price when they refill their tanks. Sometimes they are lower than other stations (most of the time) and sometimes they are higher. But they have my business all of the time.

If my lgs is selling their product at a reasonable profit from what they paid for it from their suppliers then I have no problems but if they jump the price on product they already have simply because they can get away with it then they no longer get my business (now or in the future). Case in point, I bought 2 lbs of 2400 powder today from my LGS for $16.99 per pound. (I fully support my LGS for that reason).

Call it capitalism or whatever you want, they can make all the huge profits they want, it just won't be off me. Bottom line is like the Boy Scouts, be prepared ahead of time and you won't be concerned with what the current price of commodities are, and you will be able to wait out the shortages.


David Bachelder

New member
I disagree. Charging and collecting excessive prices is gouging. Without the act of purchase it is simply over priced and no one gets hurt. In the cases of Price Gouging, there is a victim.

Gouging is the act of increasing prices due to some sort of crisis or shortage. It is not ethical and more than likely illegal. Do not support companies that practice it. I have seen the government step in and stop price gouging after Hurricanes in the Gulf Coast where I used to live. I saw them reduce the price of gasoline at a convenience store (Buc-ees) and plywood at Lowes. Both outlets were Gouging the public for these supplies. There were victims.
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