PRICE for a good carry gun


New member
what should I expect to pay for a gently used or new Ruger SP101, a carry Smith, a carry Sig, etc? I'm not set on a semi or revolver yet, just curious as to the different prices I'd be looking at.


New member
driveout, 7/27/08

If you are comparing prices on new guns look at or Both have good prices and service. If you are looking at quality used guns and good service look at If you have the patience you can track the prices for your particular gun on one of the auction or It may take several months to see what a particular gun is selling for as many sellers ask way too much for their pistols. Good luck in your search.

best wishes- oldandslow


New member
If you have a local FFL that will handle the transfer for a reasonable price (~$25-30) then it's hard to beat Bud's Gun Shop for the best pricing but be forewarned that they are a seriously busy shop and it usually takes a week for them to ship. As long as you dont have any weird local or state laws their $439 price on selected M&Ps is hard to beat for an exceptional pistol.

Another more soup to nuts option is Davidson's. They have very good prices, add their own lifetime guaranty and have it in a local partner's hands in one business day.


$400 is what I paid for the best carry pistol for me...a G26. Can't think of anything at any price that I'd rather carry.


New member
Call CDNN and get a catalog. 300 dollar glocks, and $289 S&W auto's and other deals too good to pass, stand up owners and 10 dollar shipping.