Price check


New member
I was at a store in Santa Fe back in may, and they had just gotten 2 G36's in and I believe they were $629 or so. Rather high in my opinion, as were almost all of the guns I saw in NM. Here in tucson, I happened to ask at a store the other day what there's ran for and I think the answer was $549.


New member
My problem has been finding one. I saw one in a shop in Panama City Fl and this moron had a tag of $899 (!) on it. I didn't even ask him what he would take for it. I gave up trying to find one.


New member
Try a little further south....Ive seen them between Ocala and Orlando at the more reasonable above mentioned price......fubsy.


New member
Try They're in Texas.

"Until that time,Eustus,until that time."-from Soldier In The Rain

[This message has been edited by K-9 (edited July 07, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by K-9 (edited July 07, 2000).]