Price Check on a SW 6904

Lucky 7

New member
I found a SW 6904 with a bobbed hammer and some holster wear for $450 today. I know it's over-priced but I don't know by how much.

Can anyone help?


Lucky 7

New member
Wow, Disco, didn't realize it was so close. I'll try 375, and see how that tickles the owner.



New member
I didnt think that price was too high...I would call it fair market price... could be a little cheaper for good deal.. and Your Welcome... I keep my two value books near.

Lucky 7

New member
The Corps recently released me onto the world of higher education so I'm reduced to going to Barnes and Noble went I need to check those books.

Once again, thank you.



New member
lucky, 7/7/10

Funny you should bring up the SW 6904. I just had my 6906 stolen a couple of weeks ago and last week bid and won a 6904 on Gunbroker for $299 from Coles distributing. If you take a look at at the 6904's there are a number of them for sale, one still at $298 and others in the low $300's. Good hunting.

best wishes- oldandslow

Lucky 7

New member
Sorry to hear about the theft. I'm all for chopping the digits of theives. If you want something, work for it. But what can you expect when the government and political correctness allows for five generations to be raised on welfare?

I rant therefore I am.

I'll give Cole's a look and see what I can't find.
