Price check**COLT


New member
hey guys. Local paper has a Colt combat target model, series 80, 4 extra mags and a carrying case. What should I expect to pay for it in ok-good shape? also, anything I should know(good/bad) about it?
Thanks in advance!


New member
If it's nice, I'd go around $750 for it.

If it is indeed a real Colt Combat Target ( the guy might not know what he has) .... it will be a matte stainless gun with the 1991 ORM type lettering on the slide.

This gun was produced for a very short time and will bring well over $1,000 if it's in LNIB condition.

The Colt Combat Target was a 1991A1 type combat handgun with Gold Cup type parts in it. ( In a nutshell).