Preventing terrorism


New member
I have waited until I had a chance to cool down-somewhat.

I am, however, a self-diagnosed and self-avowed 'red neck' all the way to my socks.

I like to think I am also a freedom lover, USA lover and patriot.

I expect some flames, but so be it-I am tough, and here goes!

Could we have had enough police, security guards, body searches, etc. to prevent the recent acts? I don't think so.

Could we now give enough of our freedoms to prevent future and similar acts at such places at, maybe, the superbowl, the olympics, any big football game, a large school, or anywhere else? I don't think so.

So----how do we stop it? SIMPLE!

We identify the perps and all who supported them, funded them, harboured them or aided them in any way. We eradicate them, their kids, their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and all other relatives. We bomb the countries that supported them till they have no military bases, no gun emplacements, no radar screens, no facilities to manufacture armaments, tanks, trucks or anything else bigger than a bicycle. We bomb them till a marble is the highest tech equipment they have.

Those who demonstrate and cheer in the streets, we empty all the sewage waste ponds from commercial hog farms and send cruise missles to douse them with liquid hog manure. (You know how muslems feel about hogs.)

In short, we simply make it TOO EXPENSIVE for them to try anything else like that agian. Make them say "D---, that was no fun. Lets not do that again" You can NOT 'reason' with folks who think like they do-we don't even understand what wierdness is in their head. And when the bleeding heart liberals and other terrorist groups start up a howl about 'innocents', we say "oh well, war is hell ain't it?"

I'm telling you, that is the ONLY thing that will STOP what we have seen! NOW, do we have the 'gonads' to do that? I wonder-I doubt it. If not, you may as well get ready for more.

Ok, now. You know how a good ole red neck thinks. Now go ahead and FLAME ON! Just remember, you heard it here.