PrettyBoy violated our code...

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New member
It has come to our attention that a former operative from Special Ops has been posting highly sensitive information on this forum under the UserName "PrettyBoy". Any and all posts from this person should be deleted from any hard drive where they may be stored in the interest of national security.

"PrettyBoy" was a damn fine operator. The kind of guy you could leave naked at the North Pole one day and have him show up on your doorstep the next. We were very dissapointed when he retired from service after his wife and child were killed in a tragic terrorist attack. He has been ordered to not seek the men who killed his family, but we fear that he may be doing so despite the danger.

He is an expert with firearms, martial arts, and edged weapons. He is extremely dangerous. He always wears a black leather coat and has a pony tail.

His SEEL training exposed him to many, many secrets that you can't know, but can be referenced in a sort of round-about, "you don't know what I know" kind of way.

None of you have seen what "PrettyBoy" has seen or have done what he has done- or have eaten what he has eaten, for that matter.


Colonel Edward Troutman
Special Ops: Black Ops Division
Foxtrot-Bravo-Tango Brigade


New member
Well, Colonel, if you go after him, don't forget one thing...a good supply of body bags.

This is one tough customer.
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