Pretty good deer


New member
Here is a pretty good deer I killed a couple of hours ago. Saw three bucks this afternoon. I guess they are pretty much still in rut. I couldn't pass on this one. I shouldn't complain,but I wish he was about six inches wider.


New member
Nice mass on that buck even though you didn't get the width you wanted. I'd be very happy with a buck like that one. Congratulations!


New member
six inches wider :rolleyes:

ples...don be.. a.. crasey :p

that is an underpants killer were I live
( you would just have to throw them away)


Staff In Memoriam
I really like the wood on his head! Lots of character and good genes at work! I would shoot him too but them sticks up top hang up to much when you drag 'em...:eek: But I am known to fib before my first cup of coffee too:D


New member
Six more inches indeed................!!

If I saw something like that here in our NE FL. swamps I'd let it walk. I mean it would not be worth all the trouble. I'd NEVER be able to convince the authorities that I "really did think it was a wild deer" when they found me with that escaped ELK............. Nope not worth the trouble.........