Press Lubrication

Marvin Gardens

New member
Hello. I am looking at Dillons' instructions for lubrication on the 1050 and had a couple of questions. They say to use 30W to lubricate the shaft and this seems a bit messy as well as prone to collecting dirt and debris. I use Tetra grease and lube on my Star machines and they seem well lubricated. They also say to use wheel bearing grease on the bearings, I have noticed that I can buy white lithium in convenient sizes and easier to handle (smaller) grease guns. I don't know squat about metalurgy and really not much more about lubes except I use what seems to work for me. Would I be inviting premature wear by using the Tetra pruducts and lithium grease? Any input from you metal experts would be appreciated.



New member

I have used a very light film of ELF Keystone Zeniplex #1 (a light sodium aluminum complex grease) to lubricate the machine shaft & bore of the shell plate on my 1050 for years. Bearings have been lubricated with the same product in the #2 grade, and the primer slide with paraffin.

I learned the hard way to keep a just a trace of grease on the bottom of the shell plate at the appropriate radius so that the pawl doesn't wear out prematurely.

Personally I prefer the sodium aluminum complex greases to the lithium or moly base greases. They typically provide a bit better resistance to spalling. Lubrication Engineers also produces this type of grease (#3752) but it is probably too tacky for this use.

Auto parts stores carry a handy accessory for pinpoint application: a syringe needle with a grease fitting on the end opposite the point.
