Presidntial Candidates

Beretta Boy

New member
I am new to this section of TFL. I am on loan from the Handguns section =) I am wondering who all of you are favoring in the upcoming election. From what I have heard, Bush has the least anti-gun views of the major candidates. What are some of his views? Are there any others that have taken pro-gun stances? Help me out, I want to make an informed decision when it comes to vote.

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?


New member
Bush vs. Gore? Why would you vote for Gore?

Buchannan? NEver make it even if he gets the Reform party nomination.
Libertarian? Why waste your vote. You could be voting in Gore.

Bush is the only choice!

David Scott

New member
Bush: Spoiled little rich-boy elitist who's never done jack without help from his Daddy and Daddy's oil buddies. Can't keep his foot out of his mouth. Not competent to hold public office.

McCain: At least he has cojones, but he would be impotent as Prez because the Hill would eat him alive for his backing of campaign finance reform.

Gore: A media-managed talking head, the Ken Doll of politics. What kind of guy marries a woman named "Tipper" who lost a debate with Frank Zappa?

Bradley: The "thinking man's candidate", with all the personality of cold Cream of Wheat. Been campaigning for months and I still don't know his platform. I don't care how many rebounds he got.

Buchanan: Religious fascist. No program on anything other than making Christianity the official and only legal religion.

Ventura: Smart enough to get the hell out of politics after his one freak term as Gov. Do we need his mouth in international relations?

Trump: That swelled head must the the cause of the bad hairdo. He's Perot Mark II -- no way he can handle the negotiation and compromise required.

Keyes: Actually has several ducks (not all) in a row, and a sense of humor to boot, but if they shot Dr. King for preaching they'd sure shoot Keyes for moving into the White House.

Forbes: Another spoiled rich kid like Bush. He's a one-issue candidate, even if the flat tax does have some interesting possibilities. Let Forbes write it, though, and you can bet there'll be plenty of loopholes for the county-club set.

Since all the possible candidates from the major parties are unsatisfactory, I'll have to vote for Harry Browne of the Libertarian Party. I know he has little chance of winning this one, but the LP has by far the best total platform (see At least my conscience will be clear, and no matter who wins, I can say "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him".

Deep in the Florida Swamps


Staff Alumnus
Junior chastised Wayne L for calling Clinton a liar... and people *still* think he's on our side? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over!

The LP candidate, whoever it turns out to be, will get my vote.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

David Roberson

New member
I'm with Coinneach. L. Neil Smith would be a better candidate for the Libertarians, but I believe Harry Browne will get the party's nomination, and he'll have my vote. As will every other Libertarian on the ballot.


New member
This is how Clinton won, all these people thinking that someone outside the two main parties even has a chance. Clinton would have lost if it wasn't for Perrot or the others. Now don't get me wrong I would vote Libertarian, but they don't have a chance in a million of winning. Don't let Gore win!!!! I'm voting Bush.

"Guns don't kill people the government does", Rusty Shackleford.


New member
Gun owners vote on principle! Vote Buchanan. See Don't be fooled by Bush-Gore. Both are joined at the hip. And for those who are younger and less experienced, don't get sucked into that libertarian dogma. Libertarians support a woman's right to choose (murder), gay rights and open borders. Those who advocate gun rights should find very little in common with these views. Don't be fooled!


New member
Berettaboy, you've got to ask _yourself_ a question. Al Gore has said he wants to ban handguns, he wants to license gun owners and he wants to register all guns. If he gets into office he may just get what he wants. So, do you feel lucky?

The only candidate who has a chance of beating Gore is George W Bush. The Libertarian Party doesn't have a chance, not this year anyway. There are people on this forum who don't like Bush because he's not with us 100%. I wish he were, but he's not against us 100% as is Gore.

There's your choices.


David Roberson

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CleanCut:
Libertarians support a woman's right to choose (murder), gay rights and open borders. Those who advocate gun rights should find very little in common with these views. Don't be fooled![/quote]

Actually, there's a consistent thread running through all those issues: Freedom of choice without intervention from the government. And that's the Libertarian position. If you think it's fine for the government to tell people who they can or can't sleep with, you shouldn't be surprised if they think it's fine for the government to tell you what guns you can or can't own.


New member
Ad Nauseum. Don't be fooled! See what the libertarian does? He goes by a dogma, much in the same way that a liberal operates, redefining the set of rules, of how one looks at an issue. Have you ever listened to an environmentalist?

It's all about government, now is it? No government is a better government. Sounds pretty appealing doesn't it, at a time when people are disallusioned with government? What makes people really disallusioned about government? That's the real question. Maybe it's the governent's support of positions the libertarian supports (Gray Davis, immigration) that frustrates people. Look what happend to Prop.187. You can bet a majority of gun owners were behind that initiative, and rightfully so. Libertarians think illegal immigrants should come at will with NO border? Who would support a thing like that? Even Dianne Feinstein wouldn't voice such an absurdity for political reasons.

Proposition 22, the proposition against same-sex marriages, was necessary to prevent the destruction of an integral part of our civilization - marriage. The Founding Fathers would never have anything to do with that idea. How disgusting. Don't fall for libertarian dogma! Libertarians don't have the interests of gun owners in mind.

Munro Williams

New member
Although the Libertarians are usually theoretically sound, too many aging would-be teenagers who haven't moved out of their parent's basement apartments confuse "liberty" with "license" and use the LP as an excuse to promote all kinds of pathological behavior.

Until the LP can come up with a theoretically sound reason to rid their party of these irresponsible boneheads, they shall continue to be mistaken as the Hophead party.

Keyes articulates the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence, demonstrates the Declaration's relationship to the Constitution, and then historically observes and theoretically demonstrates the same principles. He's the real "libertarian," if you will.

He's the only mature adult in the race.
Bush only decided to grow up about ten or so years ago. Gore's a candidate for serious analytical psychotherapy.

Keyes, on the other hand, has been working his keister off ever since puberty. He's been an adult at least since he was fourteen.
He'd blast the Left all the way back to the Age of Reason.


[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited March 14, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited March 14, 2000).]

David Roberson

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CleanCut:
Libertarians don't have the interests of gun owners in mind. [/quote]

An interesting theory. Check the Gore and Bush campaign web sites for their views on RKBA. Now check the Libertarian Party web site. Tell us what you find.

And if you genuinely think Gray Davis is a libertarian, you need to read a high-school level political science text.

Beretta Boy

New member
"Opposes government mandated registration of all guns owned by law abiding citizens "


Yes, I am currently enrolled and participating in a Political Science class, so I am painfully aware of the majority of parties and the political basis of their views.

As for Harry Browne, I read one of his books (is there more than one?). It was called... urhg... I forget. Very interesting though. His ideas were radical, yet logical. What it really comes down to is, where will my vote be the most help. That is, I want to show my support for the Libertarian party now... even if Browne doesn't have a chance. If enough people did this, the party would get more publicity. And the more publicity they get, the better chance they have in the next election.

On the other hand, If I vote for Browne and Bush loses, I would be incredibly angry with myself for being part of the reason. It's a very tough decision.

Oh, and one more point for Harry, he has a cool last name!
-Aaron BROWN

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?


New member
Join the Buchanan organization and do something patriotic for your country. And if you don't like that, can just go crawl in a hole.