Presidential Candidates To Get Secret Service Protection

Double J

New member
What ever happened to the 14th Amendment, the Equal Protection Clause?
$35 million paid for by tax payer's to protect another citizen while the rest of us are left defenseless. As I understand it, a person running for an office, whether it be dog catcher or president is still just a citizen.
--At the very least you'd think these millionaire politicals could pay their own bills and hire their own body guards.
--Our own Governor here in Illinois has security. I bet they carry canceled also, while the GOV. himself opposes any CCW in Illinois.
--When do the rest of us get this " Equal Protection"?
--Maybe if they had to go grocery shopping in the Hood, without an armed escort they'd be a little less eager to promote Anti-Gun legislation.


New member
Many think they are above and more worthy than the rest of us so their opinions on CCW or just the 2A probably would not change.


Since Obama has said that he wants to ban all semiautomatics, period, I think he's deserving of no armed protection at all. After all, they carry them.

357 Python

New member
Since Obama doesn't like semi-autos give his protection team cartridge revolvers, cap and ball revolvers, or flintlocks. I can just see it now, something happens and someone on the team pulls a flintlock. That would be hilarious.

C Philip

New member
Does anyone have an article or something about what an anti-gun person said when confronted on the fact that their own bodyguards use the very guns they want to ban? I would be interested to see how they responded. I agree with Double J, they should pay for their own bodyguards until they actually are the President.

The Tourist

Someone might have to google this, but about +/-12 years ago, Guns & Ammo had an article entitled "The Guns of the Anti-Gunners," or some such.

Not only did their protection staff own firearms, but the anti-gunners themselves owned pistols.

I believe this article stemmed from an anti-gun newspaper writer named Carl Rowan, who actually shot a home intruder. (I believe he lived in Washington D.C., if memory serves.)

Nice to know that Rev. Jesse Jackson had owned a .38 SPL.