President shooting skeet (kinda,maybe,perhaps)

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Okay lets take a look at the picture of our President shooting skeet.
Notice where the stock is in relation to his shoulder, what do you think bruises after the first shot or would it take a second one? Draw a horizontal line down the sighting plane to the President, does it actually hit his eyes?

Maybe this is just me but it looks for all the world like someone handed him a shotgun, he put it to his shoulder, closed his eyes,(take a look at what his face looks like closely), and pulled the trigger. Also is anyone but me just a little suspicious that they managed to get the picture just as the muzzle blast was visible?
Maybe with more experience with a shotgun this would look okay to me, but I doubt it, I'm calling foul on this one.


New member
There is speculation that this is a doctored photo. Doesnt matter much anyway. Feinstein has ccw permits and carries guns, bloomberg has his own personal guard with guns, so do the rest of them in some way to some degree. Theyre all a bunch of elitist hypocrites to me. Even if it was legit it wont do anything on either side of the gun debate at hand. Even if it was an M16 theyll say "well he is the president our commander in chief". To me the speculation /attention around this "picture" is boloney.


New member
To me the reason it's significant is as proof of a lie, as well as proof of (lack of) integrity. The more our opponents are seen as liars and untrustworthy the less credibility their arguments have.
Pulling the mask off these people so that their true character and motives are laid bare should be our highest priority. Have the President shoulder a gun, photoshop in the muzzle blast. Dishonest and typical.
There was an interesting article, I THINK in FoxNew's opinion section, that looked at Obama's claim that he was a regular skeet shooter, and basically couldn't find anyone who had seen him spend more than about 2 minutes AT a skeet range (during a Presidential function).

To me it seems that it's very much along the lines of either Al Gore's or John Kerry's claim that they duck hunted all the time while crawling through the mud...


New member
Okay lets take a look at the picture of our President shooting skeet.
Notice where the stock is in relation to his shoulder, what do you think bruises after the first shot or would it take a second one? Draw a horizontal line down the sighting plane to the President, does it actually hit his eyes?

Maybe this is just me but it looks for all the world like someone handed him a shotgun, he put it to his shoulder, closed his eyes,(take a look at what his face looks like closely), and pulled the trigger. Also is anyone but me just a little suspicious that they managed to get the picture just as the muzzle blast was visible?
Maybe with more experience with a shotgun this would look okay to me, but I doubt it, I'm calling foul on this one.

Actually getting the muzzle blast is a piece of cake. You just trip the shutter when you hear the bang. I could probably do it first time and 99 out a 100. But where is the shell?

And what the devil is he aiming at? Dick Cheney's hunting buddy? The clays do go up just a little bit.


New member
The pro-gun lobby has at least as much invested in denying the authenticity of this picture as the gun control lobby has in establishing the opposite. The photo was released only after a bunch of people expressed complete incredulity at the notion the President could possibly ever have shot skeet. Is it really that hard to believe? Plenty of Dems shoot. I don't see any point in getting your panties in a bunch about it.


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New member
And what the devil is he aiming at? Dick Cheney's hunting buddy? The clays do go up just a little bit.

Dick Cheney must be more of a responsible gun owner since he actually shot someone, eh? :rolleyes:

Clays do go up, but if know anything about Skeet, you know targets from the low house start at 3' or lower off the ground.

While there is a lot to ponder, discuss and debate when it comes to gun control and the new proposed regulations, I think all this commotion and multi-interprtaions over a simple pic of the Pres shooting a shotgun is hilarious. I'm glad I have enough of a life that I don't have time to sensationalize such trivial things........


New member
I don't see the President consciously telling a lie to the American people being a trivial thing.
I can't understand why that would ever be a trivial thing I would just shrug off.

The President telling a lie so that people are more comfortable as he attempts to deprive us of perhaps the most important part of the Bill of Rights is as serious as it gets.


New member
Makes no difference

I would actually be more convinced that the president understands the shooting sports if he spent time on the range from time to time.

What I can't stand is all these people that say they are an "Avid Hunter" or "Respect Hunting" and "GO shooting all the time" when they dont know the first thing about shooting.

I go to the range as often as I can afford. To me that's not enough I love to shoot and would love to improve my skills exponentially. With ammo being as expensive and hard to find as it is Ill be skipping the range quite a bit.

Heck I can't even add to my firearms collection as I would like to because of the run on guns. I have wanted an AR-15 for quite some time. I am actually in the position to buy one now. I cant even find a lower. I guess I should have bought back in October when I was fondling a little beauty at my local gun shop.

I believe that those that are so critical about the firearms that they want to limit they ought to learn about them. Learn how to shoot them. Learn the practical applications of them.

Regardless of the presidents expierience with firearms at the very least you would have thought someone would have coached him on the proper way of shouldering a shotgun. That looks like it may have been a bit uncomfortable but not at all ineffective. Perhaps it was him just saying ok get this shot so that I can appear cool.


New member
While there is a lot to ponder, discuss and debate when it comes to gun control and the new proposed regulations, I think all this commotion and multi-interprtaions over a simple pic of the Pres shooting a shotgun is hilarious. I'm glad I have enough of a life that I don't have time to sensationalize such trivial things........
Obama's claim he shot skeet "all the time" at Camp David was meant to make him appear to be in the mainstream and ease concerns about any new gun regulations or laws he might push. He lost a little of that juice with the outright skepticism of just about everyone. This is his attempt to regain it. Sure, it has nothing to do with either reason or the Constitution. It does have something to do with the political momentum he needs to pass new gun laws like a ten shot mag limit, etc.


New member
I think you're pretty close MacPoint. I could see him pulling the trigger just for the photo. The claims that he does it “all the time” at Camp David don't hold water. You wouldn't be able to move your arm and shoulder after you fired a full round of skeet with the point of the stock digging into your shoulder like that.
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New member
I agree that if he does it regularly, he's not only terrible at it but he's also sore.

I also don't think it matters. You can shoot a lot and be no friend to the right to keep and bear arms, just as there's those who talk ALL the time and are no friend to freedom of speech.

Evan Thomas

New member
He shoots skeet... he doesn't shoot skeet... he shoots skeet, but badly...

Why would anyone care? It's completely irrelevant to his policies and proposals.

It's supposed to make us feel all warm and fuzzy about him, I guess. It doesn't have that effect on me, any more than knowing that he's a constitutional lawyer makes me feel warm and fuzzy about his approving the killing of U.S. citizens without any form of due process.
The official news media copy of this photo is accompanied with a notice that it may not be Photoshopped. Is there any legal basis for that? It's an official U.S. government photo, produced using U.S. taxpayer funds. Doesn't that automatically put it in the public domain? Why can't I Photoshop it? It's MY photo -- I paid to have it taken.


New member
It probably gives them a means of keeping commercial publications from photoshopping it for profit.
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