President Bush!!!!!!!! :-)


New member
I awoke this morning to the most glorious sun rise over Mount Rainier that I have seen in a long time. As I went out to get the news paper the air smelled fresher and sweeter.

I compared this to the morning exactly eight years ago when we had the worst windstorm in over 30 years, causing millions in damage.

Our long national nightmare is over. God bless President George W. Bush!

Ed Brunner

New member
God Bless America

And God Bless President George W. Bush.
I have such high hopes for this administration. This country has barely survived Clinton/Gore.

It is time for America!


New member
Yes it does feel good and I will hope for the best.
I watched GWB's speech and then went to the Gun
Show and bought a nice new (actually very, very old) action for a custom rifle I hope to build in a few years. It is sooooooo nice not to have to worry too much about what might happen a few years down the line. I actually did feel the relief. Our society is already more civil!!
That was my gut feeling today.