President Attends NYC Fund-Raisers


Moderator Emeritus
President Attends NYC Fund-Raisers

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) - Seeking to remind supporters of the high stakes in the coming
election, President Clinton pointed to stark differences between Democratic
and Republican presidential candidates on the emotional issues of gun control
and abortion rights.

At a pair of Democratic Party fund-raisers Clinton told contributors Thursday
night that his successor would likely appoint between two and four justices
to the Supreme Court - and reminded the party faithful what that might mean
for abortion rights.

``They will have a huge impact in America,'' he said. ``The Democratic
candidates for president will support maintaining a woman's right to choose
and will act accordingly. The Republican candidates won't and will act

In just a few hours, the president helped raise $1.1 million for the party,
and he made a point of reminding donors why they were supporting the
Democratic cause.

Both Vice President Al Gore and former Sen. Bill Bradley support some gun
control measures, he said, while Republicans would sacrifice public safety by
siding with the National Rifle Association.

``They're willing to pay a price ... that I'm not willing to pay,'' he said.
``They actually agree with the NRA.''

Clinton also boasted about the nation's economic prosperity, crediting the
high technology boom and low interest rates, among other factors.

Despite the evening's partisan tone and Manhattan location, he made only
passing reference to his wife's New York Senate campaign. And Democratic
National Committee chairman Ed Rendell, mindful that he was in the hometown
of Bradley's basketball Knicks, dutifully praised both candidates for the
Democratic presidential nomination.

Well-heeled Democrats paid $25,000 a couple to dine with the president on
lobster salad and lamb at the posh French bistro Daniel, on the Upper East
Side. A late night event at the Four Seasons restaurant drew about 50 guests
at $10,000 each.

The president urged them to stop and ponder how the nation can best take
advantage of the opportunities presented by the strong economy.

He suggested continuing to pay down the debt, trying to ensure that future
economic downturns are short and not too severe, and helping the poor share
in prosperity.

Clinton reminded his wealthy guests that not all Americans have benefited
from the good economic times. He cited persistent poverty in some inner city
and rural areas and high unemployment on Indian reservations.

He offered some credit for the good economy to his two Republican
predecessors, who he said were responsible for open markets and expanding
trade. He also praised Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan for not
reflexively raising interest rates in the early 1990s.

``He was willing to look at the evidence ... and not get in your way,''
Clinton said.

The president's fund-raising stops followed an afternoon visit to
Philadelphia, where he offered a similarly positive vision of the economy.

Clinton was spending the night at his new home in Chappaqua before returning
to Washington today.

AP-NY-02-25-00 0329EST

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
"At a pair of Democratic Party fund-raisers Clinton told contributors Thursday night that his successor would likely appoint between two and four justices to the Supreme Court - and reminded the party faithful what that might mean for abortion rights."

What's wrong with this picture? I was under the impression that Justices were supposed to rule based upon the constitution and to be free of political bias. (I knew it existed, just pointing it out) This I think is the weakest point in our constitutional government. Our founders warned against this, but they should have known human nature better.

I don't have a solution for the problem. Any one have any ideas?


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


New member
"I don't have a solution for the problem. Any one have any ideas?"

Yep. Don't elect liberals to _any_ office.
