Prescription Handgun for the Elderly/Disabled


New member
I'm actually not making this up. I thought it was a joke at first but it seems to check out.

We recently reported about a new 9mm handgun that was designed for folks suffering from arthritis and other disabilities affecting the hands. Constitution Arms, the manufacturer of the firearm, is reporting that the FDA has formally designated the gun as a medical gadget.


Naturally the whole 'subsidizing' of anything bothers me, but I have to say out of all the poor things subsidized and paid for by tax dollars, this sounds less egregious to me than most.

On a separate note, it doesn't look like there's much aiming with that thing...

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I can really see AARP Supplementary Medicare insurance paying for this.

Probably you can get a box of ThunderDepends for carry.


The web site of the gun wants you to give him $25.00 pre order amount so he can develope it. No gun exists nor prototypes have even been made other than on a commputer. Kinda stupid ideal if you ask me.


New member
They already make tip up barrel Berettas for weak hands so I suspect that is where you should spend your money!