Premature blessed arrival


New member
The DPMS LR 308B (AR 10) that I ordered three months ago and was told "24 weeks for delivery" arrived yesterday, three months premature.
The Nikko Stirling 4 ~ 16 scope arrived on the same day. What a co-incidence!
The rifle now rests in my safe after an afternoon of cleaning, lubricating, mounting the scope and yes a bit of dry firing. It awaits Sunday morning when we go to the range. Magazines needed some de-burring on the feedlips and exposed edges plus internal lubrication with dry lubricant.
I had custom ordered the rifle with the upgrade Cryogenic treated 18" bull barrel, upgraded trigger (stock triggers were truly awful) and Hogue hand grip. The trigger pull is single stage little to no overtravel and a bit of creep at about 4.5 lb. We'll see how some wear helps the creep.
I have high hopes for 1 MOA after some tuning or maybe even better.
I had been a bit worried about it's arrival before the dim bulbs in Washington declared black rifles illegal again. And finally, I sure am happy to live in Florida where I can own this (and others like it) rifle legally.

Bullseyes to all of ya


The DPMS LR 308B (AR 10) that I ordered three months ago and was told "24 weeks for delivery" arrived yesterday, three months premature.

Hee hee, very nice. Your "preemie" will require extra care & attention. That's a company who knows how to conduct business properly to please the customer - overquote delivery, don't underquote.

I sure wish Boyd's gunstocks would learn this lesson, since they told me I'd get my stock no later than the end of July, and today is Aug 9th. :mad:
Yes, someitmes we get surprised and those premies arrive way earlier than we expect. When that happens, they need to spend lots of time in the incubator (safe) and then they are ready to go to the range with us, just like our other "children". It is so rewarding to see them mature over time.

Any proud papa should be sharing pictures of his new arrival.