Pregnant momma Stops a burglar...


New member
I do feel she overstepped the Castle Doctrine allowances

I agree with you, Hotdogs, for both legal and tactical reasons. When the burglar left, the threat ended legally, and she exposed herself to greater danger by extending the confrontation. I am not clear on when the burglar pointed the gun at her - do you know more about that?


Staff In Memoriam
TG, Yes several news reports have her stating that he did pull the gun. Her husband heard her and awoke as did her mother. When they got to the wife and burglar, she had her husband grab him and she made the kid hand over the pistol to her momma and the wife went and frisked him for more "weapons":D They then held him until the cops got on scene...:cool: Nothing like redneck women not afraid to grab hubby's Remington autoloader field gun!;)
I don't foresee her facing charges but by shear luck and sympathy I bet.


New member
What I am wondering is, did the BG pull the gun while still in the house, or did he do so only after she pursued him? If the latter, it would seem to be a rather graphic example of why it may be unwise to pursue after the threat is ended - pursuit kind of created a new threat to deal with. Of course, if the former, she went in pursuit of a BG that she knew to be armed - still not right up there on my list of smart things to do.

Gotta be glad for the happy ending, and I do hope she isn't prosecuted, but it is far from clear to me that she acted wisely or even legally.
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Staff In Memoriam
No, From what I gather on the reports, she got to him outside the home (somewhere) and told him to stop. He tried to say he was just out for a walk. He went for the gun when she reminded him hers was larger than his. So from all accounts he left peacefully and her "momma instincts" took over and she gave chase in a calm manner. I am not condoning the re-escalation at all. But I can't say my wife would be so nice... If she draws a gun it will likely go BOOM before the episode is over! She is utterly ruthless when it comes to her and her's!!! She is not the one that spends hours per day on these sites learning right and wrong and legally acceptable...:D

Bud Helms

Senior Member
The link doesn't say ... where exactly was this Brent?

Nevermind, I didn't realize the Local 15 logo was a link. I see now. Mobile, AL.


New member
Well, momma done good, even if you argue with her tactics, she took control of the situation. If this happened 100 years ago, they would've picked up a body in his place.

First, he burglarizes someone's home. When he's caught, he leaves. When told to stop, he pulls some kind of handgun. When that doesn't work, he pleads that he's got a child he's trying to feed. Yeah, right. Going to jail is going to help the kid a lot.

News says 13 cases have been cleared up by this guy's arrest. Thirteen! And he was arrested on similar charges earlier this year. This dirtbag needs a stretch in an Alabama prison to contemplate his life choices.


New member
I do feel she overstepped the Castle Doctrine allowances.
You are probably right, but I can also understand that she wasn't going to sit in her house, in fear, waiting for him to come back.

I guess in the end the determination of right or wrong will be if she serves any time. Since it appears she won't then by definition she was "in the right".
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Staff In Memoriam
Z, I feel "in the right" is when few hardcore defense types like me can't see so much as a flaw... But with our florida CD law it is spelled out in plain english. I think it is the fact that the punk had loot on hand from burglaries that night, a weapon, and previous arrests as well as the lady being a mother and ready to pop with a second child. Like I said I ain't throwing 'maters at her but by luck and possible sympathy, she isn't being tied to the tracks for not knowing exactly where her legal bounds lay.
I hope her hubby bought her a bloody rare steak and a box of deer slugs for her good work myself!:D


Active member
I don't see the problem. It has nothing to do with what too place in the house. She confronted the thief. There's nothing illegal about that. He pulled a gun on her first. She threatened him with a shotgun and held him until cops arived. If she shot him, I think she would have been justified - assuming open carry is legal.


Staff In Memoriam
Skans, She left her home after the thief left on his own and had not yet drawn a weapon. Had it occurred inside the home and she not left after him she would be absolutely covered by the CD law. The CD law don't allow you to go after anyone...

In florida she could face a slew of charges... Public open carry is illegal, brandishing, unlawful restraint to name a few...
I am glad they opted not to push any of these.


New member
What about the thief? She said something to make him stop (I assume it was "STOP!") and he did. Why did he stop? He could have just kept going, it's not like it would have been hard to outrun the pregnant mom. When he turned around and pointed a gun at her, all of this becomes legal. Sounds to me like she cleverly forced his hand and he made the wrong bet. I could be wrong if the case is different, though (ie: he saw she had a shotgun etc). Were her tactics wrong? Possibly (If she yelled stop from the house and he did, well, that's his mistake). Did she overstep legal boundaries? I'm not sure of Mobile's laws, but it sounds to me like she called this kid's bluff.


New member
I don't mean to flog a dead horse, but

A pregnant woman left her home to pursue a fleeing burglar and had a gun pulled on her.

Not saying the guy was a good guy or shouldn't have been arrested or anything of the sort, but his arrest record and his possession of stolen goods is beside what is for me the central point. If ever there was a case that demonstrated why home owners should protect their own lives and let the police apprehend criminals this is it. Legalities aside, she was one twitch of BG's finger from losing her life and/or her baby's. How different would be the news reports and our discussions if that one fraction of a second had gone differently?

Again, glad for the happy ending, but good tactics are more reliable than good luck.


New member
Fairley saysshe held Delhomme until the cops came with a little help from her husband and mother.

Gotta love independent women.

Did she do the legal thing? I don't know, I don't live their, nor am I familiar with the laws.

Did she do the smart thing? Not in my opinion, but I can't say I wouldn't do the same.

Do I support her actions? Heck yeah.


Staff In Memoriam
Skans, inside the home she said something and he just walked out the door... She got a "Awe heck no!" moment and went out after him. Once located, she told him to stop and he then pulled the gun on her... But the point is, If in Fla, (some reports put her as a pensacola woman and others say Mobile Al.) the law doesn't allow me to go after him had he not committed a "violent" felony in my presence.
Scorp, My wife would'a done the same thing. Right or wrong... there ain't no way i am gonna stop her...:eek:


New member
Gotta go with BillCA on this one. 100yrs. ago when that BG went for his gun, things would have ceased as he knew it. Our laws today are made to protect the life of the BG and so often puts the innocent, in the sanctuary of their own home, at risk of being persecuted for taking these scumbags off the street. With at least thirteen armed burglaries to his credit how could a prosecutor even consider pressing charges on this woman. BG wasn`t carrying his gun for show. Maybe his fourteenth or fifteenth robbery would have been the one where he killed an innocent person. No sympathy here. Kudo`s to momma. Glad she wasn`t hurt.