Pregnant McCartney daughter mugged


New member

Pregnant McCartney daughter mugged

by Humfrey Hunter

Sir Paul McCartney's pregnant daughter has been mugged in the street for her jewellery.

Photographer Mary McCartney was packing the boot of her blue Mercedes car when the two attackers struck.

One grabbed the 33-year-old from behind and covered her mouth to stifle her screams while the second man pulled out her diamond earrings and ripped off her engagement ring and watch.

Ms McCartney, who has a three-year-old son Arthur with her husband Alistair, was two months pregnant at the time of the attack and did not struggle with the robbers.

Following her ordeal near her home in Maida Vale, Ms McCartney, the oldest of Sir Paul's three children by his first wife Linda, was taken to hospital for precautionary checks on her unborn child.

A friend said: "It was a planned operation. They were in hiding, waiting for Mary to arrive at her car. These weren't first-time thieves. They knew what they were doing. The McCartney family are all terribly shocked.

"Her concern was for the safety of her child although she was devastated at losing her engagement ring.

"Paul was gravely concerned about Mary and the baby."

The friend added that Ms McCartney has never been interested in being a celebrity: "Mary never dresses in flash clothes or expensive jewellery.

"She likes the fact that she can walk around unrecognised. She has always avoided the public eye."


Staff Emeritus
1) Shocked! Shocked I am! Everyone knows that Britains violent crime rate is practically nil compared to the United States!

2) Any decent gun course would have taught the silly twit the value of situational awareness.

3) My view on the wisdom of docility in the face of barbarism for the sake of ones' unborn child will remain unvoiced.



New member
The unique accomplishment of Britain's gun control is this: wealthy and famous individuals are equally likely to be victimized as the common folk.

R. Prism

New member
2) Any decent gun course would have taught the silly twit the value of situational awareness.

"Silly twit?" Unless you're privy to some inside information the rest of us don't have, I don't see the basis for this.

While it's nice to think so, situational awareness doesn't automatically preclude you from being a victim of silly twit. :p

El Rojo

New member
I have come to expect and apprecaite Lawdog's critical attitude towards everyone that is ever a victim of a crime. Not the attitude I would take, but hey, Lawdog makes it intersting. You can't fault him for translating the general liberal ignorant bliss into sheer stupidity. Most of us just are so brash to say so.


New member
lawdog is dead right on this one. There are millions walking around in this country who have absolutely no comprehention of sutuation awareness. Look at the government we have.


New member
You guys are right, It's her fault

(Cynicism on)

It must be her fault for taunting the poor, underpriveleged youth with her obvious wealth and status. She had a large ring and a Mercedes.

Just think of it as another Tony Blair/Labor Party wealth redistribution system that hasn't quite received final government approval yet.

(Cynicism Off)

I'm glad the young woman and her baby to be are alright and there is no permanent damage. It says a lot about a society that prides themselves on their moral superiority and refuses to execute multiple murderers and won't allow it's citizen to defend themsevlves under any circumstances. But still has no answer to scum that walk the streets victimizing pregnant women.

I don't remember things being this bad when the Lone Ranger and Robnin Hood were the role models for Youth worldwide.

Don P.


New member
Little,known fact: You are 7X as likely to get mugged in London as you are in NY!!! This was in the Boston Globe several Sunday's ago. The article was saying essentially how shortsighted England's gun policies were! England also has laws againgst using force to protect yourself and people have gone to jail for beating up muggers!!! IS THIS INSANE OR WHAT?!!! The piece is well worth reading. You can dig it up from the archives at


New member
The unique accomplishment of Britain's gun control is this: wealthy and famous individuals are equally likely to be victimized as the common folk.
Not so. The reason why celebrity victims make the news is because they are rare. They have their nice neighborhoods and bodyguards as well as extra police attention. The subjects do not.

I am still trying to figure out why this is of any importance such that it made the news like it did. The only reason it made such an impression was that the mugged person was related to a famous person.

You don't need a gun course to cover situational awareness. Situational awareness is basic safety.

I see she conceived out of wedlock, so sexually active, pregnant and situationally unaware. Yep, sounds like the quality upbringing we have come to expect from pop stars.


New member
Isn't her father really really anti-gun?

This event would be newsworthy if it made him or her (or anyone, for that matter) change their views on gun control.