predator hunting


New member
i'm thinking about doing some coyote and fox hunting. but before i do i have some questions.

1. we can only stand or still hunt them, which is recommended?
2. what kind of call should i use? i heard that a rabbit in distress is a very good one. mouth blown and possibly electronic can be used. would most likely get the mouth type unless they make a handheld/operated type too.
we can use shotgun during the night hours 10 ga & 12 ga. only with #4 fine -T shot. not really looking for 25.00 a box for 10 shells of dead coyote.
3. with the right shot placement (vitals) would #2 or BB be good enough?
4. no bait can be used, is there a scent that i can use in its place?


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Pick a spot, sit and call for a while to see who shows up. The wounded rabbit call works just fine, usually.

A coyote's final approach is mostly from downwind, so pick your spot with care, trying to force him in from crosswind if possible. And don't shine your light directly at him; shine a bit high so just the edge of the light makes his eyes shine. Direct light can make them spook.

FWIW, my only shotgun ruination of a predator was on a bobcat. About 25 yards. High brass Winchester 7-1/2 from a very full choke Model 12. DRT.


New member
I pretty much agree with what Art says. Depends on how big your country is, and how thick the cover is on how many stands you do; and how long you want to stay at them.
Quietly penetrate into a good looking spot without exposing yourselves, sit down, and call. Don't over call. Twenty or thirty minutes is about all ya need to wait before moving to another spot. Sit in spots where you can't see more than 50 yards or so, or you'll hardly get any within shotgun range - they'll see you first. BB shot works fine out to 35 yards or so, but #4 buck is my favorite. Use headnets.
If you have bobcats, wait longer and look closer. They're sneaky. jd


New member
what brand rabbit hurt/distress call do you recommend? should i get a mouse squeaker too?

i was just on, and there is several different brands and types listed for coyote/predator.


Staff In Memoriam
Are you a handy type fella? If so I have a linky to a home made MP3 format caller machine that is as good or better than those premade jobs. Over calling is the high crime in 'yote work. If daylight hunting add a squirrel tail to a survey type stake in a field. A piece of thin mono filament can be added to it to make it dance. I feel that if you use a rabbit sound, it has to be spot on... They KNOW what they sound like. But if you use distress calls of other critters you may well pique their interest via instinctual prey drive and if they do not KNOW the sound personally you may have room for a little less than perfectly accurate sound.
Good luck. While I am not a yote hunter, I have called them just for fun on and off since I was 8.


New member
meaning i could load it on a portable player?

the regs for the hunt says that a predator calling device must be in possesion while hunting. doesn't say that i must use it. i plan on using a call if i got to have it with me.

i didn't read anything about no electronic calls. i'm going to contact the div of f &w here,to find out about the legal use of electronic calls.

i did see a listing on cheaper than dirt. its a 2 piece call,baby cottontail and jackrabbit coaxer for $10.47. item number 15959.


Staff In Memoriam
Here is the link to build your own e-caller.
Portable MP3 player is part of it but essentially you are building your own electronic call machine that can do so much more..
Sdhandgunner is a LEO up in south dakota... He has made a few and I know of others that followed his instructions and all have been real happy with them.
As for the possession statement you quote, I am willing to bet that they are saying "If you use a call, you must have it in your possession, not remotely located or left in the woods." I may be wrong. As for E-callers, in florida it eis unlawful to use an e-caller on "GAME" animals. Bobcats and 'yotes are NOT "GAME" animals so it is legal to use one on those critters. Post a link to what you are reading so others can chime in and possibly clarify the wording.


Staff In Memoriam
I see it as they do not allow you to "hunt" the coyote... it must be called to you... So if you have a dead yote, you better also have a caller with you unless it was an incidental kill during deer season.


New member
thats pretty much what it is. you can still and stand hunt, not stalk hunt them. you are allowed to shoot them during deer season, with bow,m/l rifle,or shotgun. its pretty much whatever deer hunting weapon you have in your possesion.

they have a special permit season which allows you to hunt with any of the 3 weapons i already mentioned. mid jan to mid feb permits are $2.00 each its the overnight hours that are restricted to shotguns 10ga and 12 ga, 3 shell max limit. no smaller than #4 fine but no larger than T shot only. the permit season is mainly what i'm looking to hunt.


New member
went out late the 19th 11p-1am,and went from 7pm-1030pm last night. saw nothing so far,but heard a few things including another hunter calling (last night). turns out a few hunters are near my way, and do the night hunt. one does wildlife control for a living and is a member of predator masters. i got a call from him today we are going to try friday night,and maybe sat. will let you know how it went.


New member
good luck. I recently got into hunting coyote and its addictive. Don't be afraid to hunt around dawn and dusk either. I've had some pretty decent success at these times. Also, I don't know if it was mentioned yet but a coyote howler saved me time since I knew pretty much where they were. Rabbit distress has been my go to call but a diaphram call can do the same.


New member
I'd hold back a year or so and when 'Fluffies' start disappearing from the back yards you may actually be welcomed. Well fed 'yotes can breed pretty fast.


New member
went friday night 7-10:30. first area,first calling, nothing. first area after moving a few hundred yards called again. heard a few snaps in the brush but saw no eyes or anything. deer or 2 maybe. whatever it was it did'nt show itself.

we left and went to another area,first call, nothing, moved to another spot in the area, called, nothing. moved again to a final spot called with everything he had,electronic and several mouth blown. the guy i went with his last call was a coyoye howler, i had to hold back my laughter because when he let loose with that howler call,way out across the lake we were near a few spotlights came on and were shining all over,someone got spooked in the gravel pit that butts up to the lake.

even though nothing was seen,i still enjoyed that i went with someone with knowledge of predators,and they took the time to hunt with me,and set me up with the first shot at it oppurtunity. if you are reading this on here as well as the site we met on,again thank you very much.

i just got back from going out solo from 3a-6a, first area i went to was where i went friday, sat close to the first spot we sat and called from. when i paused during my first set of calling, i heard CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH behind me so i sat still for a few second,slowly turned my head so my lamp would shine that way,nothing there. called some more,whatever it was might have been coming on to me,and maybe got a whiff and realized what i was,and hauled outta there.

left there to try another area, called, waited heard and saw nothing left for a third area second set of calling in there i heard something moving slowly towards me in the brush,could not get any eyes to shine. no idea what it was. called some more,and still something was moving towards me i turned on my spotlight and slowly scanned, nothing. but my heart was racing because whatever it was, it sounded like it was right on top of me, and that there was no way i could'nt see it. but i could'nt see it.


New member
Sorry you haven't had any luck yet but it sounds like you're having a good time. Like the saying goes a bad day of hunting is still better than a good day at work.