Precisions Shooting Magazine


New member
That is a real shame. A good magazine, although there was lots of rather superficial match coverage. Still, I really liked their detailed coverage of precision shooting details.


New member
That's a great loss. Only a small number of shooters/reloaders ever knew of PS but it was a wealth of pure accuracy information. As the official organ of the bench shooters it was run largely as a hobby with few 'employees' making any money at it.
There was some cutting edge firearm technologies discussed in that publication back in the late 60's through the early 80's and it was the go to publication for benchrest shooters and innovators.


New member
The mag was a great source of info for years, but lost the loyalty and interest of the people who contributed the essays, experiments, and articles necessary to continue on the forward edge of riflery. Unfortunately, because of this and other reasons, they lost the loyalty of their core readership (IBS members, since it was originally the IBS unofficial newsletter) and other BR shooters, by running a lot of tripe unrelated to the stated purpose of the magazine--precision riflery-- and for many of us most irritating--amateur historical and/or biographical articles, poorly written and having in many cases absolutely nothing to do with any kind of rifle whatever. It's a tribute to the loyalty of the readers that the magazine got away with it for as long as they did.

old roper

New member
amamnn, I guess NBRSA has something out that's been in-out several times also IBS membership dues may go down now without the magazine should hear something in Jan/Feb. Maybe they should of pulled the plug on including PS with the dues before.


New member
Wow that *is* a shame. I just discovered PS at a local gun shop within the last year. They had 4-5 issues on the stand, one for each of the previous months. I thumbed through one and then bought them all. I read them all and then subscribed. I mostly enjoyed the magazine although I did not care for some of the articles (probably the "tripe" amamnn was referring to). I will miss PS; I don't think there is anything even remotely like it out there in the magazine world. If anybody knows of anything similar could you please post it?

Maybe they'll spin back up online with articles coming out at reduced frequency or something. We can always hope.
