Precision Tip Q-tips


New member
Seems like a funny title for a thread on a gun website but trust me, I don't bring them up to provide makeup removal advice!

My fiance' bought these Q-tips with "precision tips" the other day. They are like a regular Q-tip but they come to a distinct point at the end (think Coneheads). They are about the best thing I have ever seen for gun cleaning. Spray them with a little bit of Rem Oil and you can get into any cracks and crevices on your gun. I broke down my LC9 and my 1911, and used these to clean them, they came out spotless on the inside.

It might be worth picking up a box, I found them to be particularly handy.


New member
6" cotton swabs are handy also and once in a while pipe cleaners .Get some military brushes [like tooth brushes but with another smaller brush at the other end.]


New member
I'm cracking up laughing here,,,

At the huge Tulsa gun show last month,,,
There was a little kid who was about 9 years old.

He was walking around near the front door,,,
Selling baggies of 10 "precision gun cleaning swabs" for 75 cents.

He was very well mannered and cute as a newborn puppy,,,
Little snot was making money hand over fist out there,,,
Heck, I even bought a bag of the darned things.

I didn't notice they were pointy until I used them,,,
Now I know where he got em.



New member
Great tip !!!

Post is not as strange as you might think as I often squeeze the tips to a point, after appling some solvent. I do this mostly when cleaning out reciever holes for scope bases. The tip does help you to clean out tight places. Will have to keep an eye out for these next time the wife drags me shopping. .. ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Nah, I'll just continue to steal cheapo generic Q-tip knockoffs out of my wife's makeup drawer when it's gun cleaning time.


New member
These aren't pointy, but I have found this kit great for cleaning all my guns. The biggest sizes are perfect for the upper channel of an AR15 receiver, and the smallest are great for my Glock slide. They are also tougher than average Q-Tips.

A good auto parts store should have them, otherwise there is the internet.