Pre-cooked boar. Be careful out there.


New member
Radioactive boars on the rise in Germany

When Georg van Bebber hauled back his wild boar from Ebersberg forest near Munich after a day of hunting, he was exhilarated about his impressive prey.

But before he could take it home, a Geiger counter showed a problem: The boar's meat was radioactive to an extent considered potentially dangerous for consumption. It needed to be thrown out and burnt.

Makes deer ticks and Lyme disease seem like a minor inconvenience
I find it amazing that in a fairly small country that they could take 640,000 boar in one year.

With a bounty of 100-200 euros per hog, I bet a person could amost plan a working shooting adventure that would pay for itself.


New member
All the "pig ear" treats I buy for my dog are from German boars. I wonder if any of the exported stuff is contaminated. The problem with pet food in general is that there really aren't many controls or safety checks in place to guard against this and other contaminants.


New member
Why do you think Germany is a small country? It is actually pretty big - not US, Russia, China kind of big but still fairly good sized.


New member
When I was stationed in Germany them suckers was everywhere....quite scary when on guard duty at night.

By the way, germany is connected to the rest of Eur-Asia an I dont the they trifle with our geo-political boundrys..:)