Prayers needed for a lost Aussie shooter


New member
Sadly, my mate and instructor at my local Practical range died last tuesday :eek::(

He passed away after being unwell for a week or so, was rushed to Canberra Hospital but died shortly after arriving there..... He died from Swine Flu.... or complications from it :(

He was only 54 years old, an expert handgun shooter/instructor & top competitor..... he will be sadly missed :( He was one of the nicest, friendliest & fairest blokes you could hope to meet.... I hope he will go to that 'big range' in the sky & join all the past great shooters.....

His name was Michael Johns, instructor at the 'Australian Protective Services Gun Club' here at the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, Canberra Branch.

Sorry, I am just sad and wanted to share it with you guys, my American mates.....

Life is so unfair, enjoy it while you have it

Rich Miranda

New member
Muzza, my sincerest condolences to you on the loss of your friend. I will send up a prayer asking the Lord to comfort and console.


New member
So very sorry to hear that! It surely does not seem right, not at all. :(

God's blessings to his loved ones and you hang in there brother.

From Tucson,
G'day Muzza. I reed this news with sadness in my heart, and tears in my eyes. I will say a prayer for you and your friend.

The TFL "family" may be a little closer (in many ways) than you think.

May the grace of our Heavenly Father be with you at this time.

regards RODGER.


New member
I will also

Please express our condolences to the family, and I will also Pray for Brother Johns.
We will meet, of that I am sure.


New member
Condolences Dingo. You obviously had deep feelings and respect for your friend.

I pray to our Father and his son to comfort you and his family in this time of your loss.