Powder thrower micrometer?

Ed Dixon

New member
Anybody use one of these, like the screw-on one offered by RCBS? I was just wondering if they're that much of a timesaver and if they really can dial in previously-recorded settings reliably. I've been pretty impressed with the consistency of my RCBS thrower so far and was wondering if this would be a worthwhile upgrade item.


New member
I use one and find it very handy when working up a load. Once I have the load performance I desire, I take a standard insert, adjust it to this charge, lock it down and label it..


New member
I used one, and it worked fine, but since I tend to do a LOT of adjusting (I shoot benchrest), I broke down and bought a Harrell measure.

The RCBS measure was repeatable, and I had no problems with it. Just wanted something that was faster to screw around with.


New member
Great for getting real close to a known load...
But be sure to ALWAYS check the load with the scales.



New member
I second that - The only measure I have that I trust enough to not need to do that is my Harrell.

Ed Dixon

New member
Been downright prissy about checking so far. I check the first 10 throws for consistency before loading any at all and then check every 10th after I start. I've seen some folks here say that their starting check is only three throws. Is that reasonable? Also, the trickler I got is a neat device, but if I'm not weighing every throw, it occured to me that I probably won't use it a lot. Right?

Continuing to try to be safer-than-sorry, Ed.


New member
I check the first 10 throws

I usually throw 5 and don't bother weighing as from my experience it take a couple of throws for things to settle down. Then I throw and weigh 5.

Steve Smith

New member
With my Dillon, I fill the powder hopper about 7/8ths full, and test five charges. If they're all on the dot, I load 'till my powder gets to 1/8 and check the last thrown charge. They're always dead on. Gotta love it.


New member
I use the RCBS micrometer adjusters on my powder measures.They're great for making adjustments, and I've found that they are repeatable for settings.That being said, I set my powder measures to throw the charge a little light, then I top it up with my powder trickler.I ALWAYS weigh every powder charge.That way I know that the charge is accurate!It also helps accuracy to keep the powder measure at least 3/4 full.I've found that if you let the measure get down below 1/2 full, the charges you throw get lighter.HTH. Skullboy.