POTUS carry?


New member
They probably could if they really wanted to, but the Secret Service would have a fit about it. The last thing they want him doing is standing still or trying to return fire when theres a threat. They want him to run to safety like a frenchmen to a wine tasting.

Ex presidents probably have to follow the same laws as the rest of us.


New member
They probably could if they really wanted to, but the Secret Service would have a fit about it.
If the President only did things that didn't give the Secret Service heartburn, he would never leave the White House for four years. I would imagine that he exercises his right to carry and did his entire time in office.
guntotin fool from the GWB 1911 thread said:
Col Cooper and a few others, reported that GWB slept with a Gunsite 1911 on the nightstand even after he was in the whitehouse. He was known to carry when Gov of Texas
Ohhhh, just had a thought. That bump in his jacket when he debated Kerry that everyone thought was a radio? 1911. :cool:


New member
Could an ex-president carry legally? I suppose he could get a permit like anyone else who is rich, famous and chummy with a police chief. But since there is no real national reciprocicy, he'd have to get several. Or somehow become a "retired" LEO while also being a retired President. In so far as I know, there's not a "national" permit to carry for non-sworn individuals.

With his secret service detail around him, if anything does happen, they are some of the best trained armed personnel in the business. There is little question that they are much more competent than all but the best shooters.

However, if an ex-prez has received a lot of death threats and resorts to carrying a S&W 642 in a coat pocket or a Colt Defender under his shirt, it's highly unlikely some LEO will ever find out, unless he uses it.

Though, it's doubtful he'd carry everywhere. Imagine the "scandal" it would make if he "dropped" it while in a foreign country like Canada or Germany. Or while addressing groups like the NAACP. Or the Brady Bunch. :eek: :D


New member
I'll play.

Could the POTUS carry if he wanted to? I'll surmise yes, in that as the head of the Executive Branch most people with the authority to issue federal credentials to carry weapons answer directly or indirectly to the POTUS. Same with most of the people with the authority to enforce federal firearms laws.

Could an ex-POTUS carry if he wanted to? It is perhaps more complicated, but again I'll surmise yes.

Anywhere? No. There are areas nobody goes armed, international understandings, rules of diplomacy, protocols to follow, etc. Anywhere, practically speaking in the US? Yes.

All guess and speculation on my part, though. Late night idle ramblings...

Frank Ettin

A sitting President, if there was any question, could just appoint himself to be a deputy U. S. Marshall or something like that. And an ex-President probably has enough juice to work something out. Who is going to hassle a sitting or ex-President about carrying anyway?


New member
Considering Bush's Secret Service protection stops 10 years after he's out of office, I'd say he is likely at some point to get his CCW.


New member

Are people too.... I am sure they can apply for ccw. I think their police check shouldnt be a problem? (maybe not Flubby Dubbleya?) :eek:

I guess they really dont have to carry tho.... they got half a dozen 6' + garillas with them to take care of the riff-raff :cool: and probably got one of those armoured Hummer limo's with a dillon minigun poking out the roof to boot..... :D



New member
Can he carry? Of course he can. He for all intents and purposes, can do whatever he wants. Now no one is above the law, but the law has a higher ceiling for some people. Who's going to question him? Is a local cop going to notice he's carrying and question if he has a ccw? Internationally, is the Secret Service allowed to carry? Of course. So why wouldn't he be able to? It would be rude to do so without foreign approval, but I'm sure German authorities don't search him. Also, he doesn't have to be screened by TSA to board Air Force 1. Just an aside here, who would be a proud American if there was an assasination attempt and the president returned fire? That would be something!


New member
I can just imagine......

If Arnie (terminator) became president and someone tried to assassinate him, he would reach in his suit, pull out this huge piece and blow the guys head off (then spit down his neck) :cool: then say "he'll be dead"


If clint E became pres...he'd blow off the BG's head, and stick a half smoked cigar down his neck.... hehehehehe

Should make a movie about it? :D



Staff In Memoriam
As CIC I bet he could carry a MaDuece with twin bandoleers and a M-16 with happy switch hanging from one of them cool PG swivel loops if he so desired...


New member
I'm thinking BHO would probably just have a pack of smokes in his pocket. If he did have a pistol, it would be chromed and have a set of pimped out grips, straight Chicago mob thug/"street organizer" that he is.

As for W, nothing says "Don't Mess With Texas" like a SA 45 Colt.

Considering Bush's Secret Service protection stops 10 years after he's out of office, I'd say he is likely at some point to get his CCW.
I really doubt this with W. There will be internal and external terrorist threats against him even after 10 years. Probably the same for BHO.


New member
Can the current and ex-Presidents carry?
The short answer is yes. The same applies for the VP as well.

Anywhere they want?
There are very few legal restrictions on them and even fewer that would be enforced (Imagine a DC cop arresting the President on "illegal handgun" charges) :eek:

(Trivia note: Rumor is that Ford carried. You'd better believe that Ronald Reagan carried <grin>).
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New member
something tells me....

that cop would be on permanent desk duty :D once he could sit down again (after they remove his Glock, radio, note pad, baton and his head out of his rrr's) from when the Presidential Protection Agents advised him that what he was doing was not in line with protocol :eek::D


Ben Towe

New member
You can bet your bottom dollar I would carry if I was POTUS! Let some Iraqi journalist throw his shoes at me...:D (evil laugh)


New member
I really doubt this with W. There will be internal and external terrorist threats against him even after 10 years. Probably the same for BHO.

That maybe so, but Bush is the first President to have Secret Service for only 10 years once he is out of office. That law was actually changed in the 90's.

WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush's "after-life," as Laura Bush calls the post-presidency, is shaping up to be pretty comfortable, with a Dallas office, staffers, Secret Service protection, a travel budget, medical coverage and a $196,700 annual pension, all at taxpayers' expense.

However, Bush will be the first president not to benefit from one former lifetime benefit: Secret Service protection.

"He'll be the first one to receive it for 10 years," said Malcolm Wiley, Secret Service spokesman. Congress changed the law in the 1990s so that any president elected after Jan. 1, 1997, and his or her spouse will receive the federal protection for only 10 years.

That's just a quick search but there is more on it out there.
