Potentially deadly donuts

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This morning my wife and I were in a mood for a good donut... We drove to a little artisan bakery that is only a minute or two from my house. As usual they had a very nice selection of heart stopping goodies and we picked stuff and ordered. So while were standing there waiting for some things to be cooked up to go with the donuts I hear a guy and his female companion in the corner of the restaurant talking on speaker phone to the FBI.

None of this would have been any big deal but the guy was asking for him and his lady friend (or whatever her status was) to be placed into witness protection. The conversation was loud enough and the phones speaker loud enough that we were unwillingly listening to both sides of the conversation as we waited.

Raising my concern to a higher level is the guy is openly claiming he is being actively followed and watched and had been told point blank that the other party was waiting to put the last nail in his coffin.. He claimed to be scared to the point of sleeping with his gun and buying guard dogs...

I have no idea of what the guy was claiming he and her were a witness to and frankly I don’t want to know. It sounded like some sort of organized crime thing.. I didnt even want to hear the conversation he was having which seemed to amount to little more than pleading. Further the door to the shop is behind my wife and I the counter is directly in front of us and this couple is on the opposite side.... Im thinking to myself if this guys for real and not overreacting we may well be in the middle between him and a BGs bullet.. or they could shoot through the glass behind us....

The cashier was making all kinds of faces at the couple and it was obvious she was worried what customers on the other side of the "L" shaped shop were thinking... Nothing like finding out your customer could be the subject of a hit at any moment. It was plain to see she wanted them to leave.

Finally after what seemed like forever (probably no more than three minutes) our food was done and we left with our personal awareness at maximum.

The point I am getting at is:
1. I live in a upscale neighborhood and I have no idea where this guy was from but it makes you a believer that organized crime can be anywhere.
2. The fellow could have been having this conversation in a more secretive tone and the phone could have been turned down but that would not have reduced our danger, it would only have hidden the level of potential danger we were in.
3. It made it apparent to me that in addition to being concerned about any possible BGs entering the store or potentially already being in the store that now I had to add passing cars to my list.

Ultimately who knows the guy could have been a kook but you put the guy and the lady together it seemed pretty matter of fact. I am going to need to factor in the possibility that in a self-defense situation it may be necessary to engage a BG in a car that’s doing a drive by. I may need to visit the junk yard and get a old car door and do some shooting just to test my carry rounds for this situation.

I expect that odds are that I wont run into one of these weird situations again in a lifetime... What do you think? Am I over reacting? Should I test my rounds on a car door or let this go as a one in a million....
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I wouldn't worry about it. If it was that serious, your party would have been taking steps to keep it down. Instead he plays it up like he's in an action movie or something? There was no danger. The dangerous ones are the ones you don't know about something is happening right in front of you.


New member
I wouldn't worry about it. If it was that serious, your party would have been taking steps to keep it down. Instead he plays it up like he's in an action movie or something? There was no danger. The dangerous ones are the ones you don't know about something is happening right in front of you.

This was my thought as well. If I needed protection that bad I sure wouldn't be discussing it in the open, in a public area, on a speaker phone!

but my first thought is Simon in True Lies.

My second thought :)


New member
I have no basis to believe or question the couples motivations... All I know is the situation made me believe a credible threat was possible... The couple was very well dressed and appeared to have means....

But even if they had come in and were in rags the particular conversation would have resulted in wondering how big a risk being around this couple was. I understand generally the mob isnt doing drive bys nowdays but its not impossible that they would or could.

I totally get it that I will probably never run into a similar circumstance again but the situation does at least in my mind deserve consideration, if not actual action or change. Always be prepared.... I get the consideration that a wise person would probably not be talking so loudly but a quick look at the state of our society will tell you idiots are everywhere.
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yes seriously a real deal. what person would NOT want to go into a public place, with a large crowd from the neighborhood. and have a loud open public discussion about turning states witness against the local mafia lord or local drug cartel when an estimated 30 percent of the customers would be happy to tell the don or cartel boss what your doing in order to eliminate a debt to the organization?

just because a guy walks around walmart wearing a cape, does it make him superman?


New member
While he has my empathy for whatever real problem he's experiencing, something doesn't add up, but it's a 'unique' situation by any means.

My vote is split between:
He ran out of Haloperidol
He likes to tweak people with his brother on the other end of the phone
He's practicing for the next James Bond movie audition
He figures if he's a big enough pain he's

If I had an immediate need for the witness protection program, I would likely head to a local police station or an FBI office if nearby, and not an artisan bakery (or McDonalds, etc).

On the other hand, did he have aluminum foil under his hat? :)


New member
If I had an immediate need for the witness protection program, I would likely head to a local police station or an FBI office if nearby, and not an artisan bakery (or McDonalds, etc).

Dunno about that ... seems to me

a doughnut shop seems like the right place to find a cop:p:D

too easy:cool:


New member
animal, that reminds me of a recent news item .A teenager tried to rob a guy at gunpoint .The guy was a cop and the event took place inside a police station !! :D

They don't always look like BGs.In my old neighborhood a guy was bumped off in a mafia hit. A neighbor lady was surprised ,saying he was such a nice person ,always polite to her and her family.All in a nice neighborhood. :)


New member
I guess it might be a little too much to ask if they caught the guy :D
don’t wanna rib the cops too much at one time. If I were forced to do their job, I’d end up in jail myself … not enough patience to deal with some of the people they have to deal with daily. Good cops have my respect and admiration. By far, most are good.
I got chewed out by a cop in Vicksburg for asking where the best doughnut shop in town was … It was actually an innocent question, wasn’t thinking when I asked… I ask directions from cops and firemen when they’re handy ‘cause they usually know where stuff is. This guy was fat and apparently a little oversensitive… Never did get directions, but I got a free safety inspection of my work truck…:D It barely passed. :cool:

On the OP, and not PC : Even if I thought the situation was real, and if it was a Cosa Nostra thing, I wouldn’t be worried.
IF the extreme long shot occurred, and something actually started going down … I’d just try to stay as calm as possible and stay out of the way… A guy that’s just doing his job doesn’t want any extra work or hassles for the same pay… and the organization doesn’t want collateral damage splattered across the news. A hit that attracts too much attention can result in the contractor’s employment terminated, and their employment is for life in most cases. They don’t want to hurt a bystander unless they have to.

Gangbangers are different. They bug me whenever they’re around.


New member
I can't go into detail - but believe me, there are people who you would NEVER suspect of being involved in organized crime who are.

If this was on the up and up what this guy did by calling the FBI from a public place was smart. He would either be killed with a bunch of eye witnesses or he'd be murdered along with a shop full of other people. If you're getting paid for a hit, you obviously want to not get caught, so better to do it without eye witnesses.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
If one was worried that gun fight was going to start, why not call 911 and tell them that at your location, a guy is claiming someone is about to shoot him?

Then hide in the rest room or flee.


New member
Initial contact by calling from a public place is one thing. Ideal would be a busy area with lots of people and lots of entries/exits.
IMO : Speakerphone in a shop with controllable entries/exits denotes a stupid nobody or a fake


New member
I think some people have being watching to many films and letting their imagination run away with them.

What has your experience got to do with a drive by shooting. The chance of getting caught up in any type of shooting is very slim i wouldn't lose any sleep over it. If i was concerned i would ring the police or leave the premises.

I have being in the vicinity and have seen car bombs explode some that killed innocent people. I didn't think i will have to get a armoured car or stay in the house.


New member
If one was worried that gun fight was going to start, why not call 911 and tell them that at your location, a guy is claiming someone is about to shoot him?
If, on the other hand, the situation is fake … could the cops charge the suspicious customers with anything and make it stick ?
It would be hard for me to believe them to be genuine, and I’m reluctant to call 911 just to make more work for already overworked cops.

If they’re for real, you may be giving their location to more than the police.


New member
I didnt get punked.... that would imply fear... there is a difference between fear and concern....

I knew I was leaving and didnt intend to hang around. On hind sight it would have been wise to simply leave and not worry about the food. To me the incident pointed out that believing your safe and actually being safe are two different things.... How often do we go shopping and what do we really know about the people around us?

I think the Corbon DPX I carry and the Gold Dots are probably up to the job... Hopefully the day never comes when I need to employ it in self defence... The whole incident really just made me think..
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