Pot parade, strange sight.

Sir William

New member
This has been a unusual week. I was in town and saw multiple sets of flashing emergency lights. I thought it odd to see four police units with a funeral escort. I then noticed 20 marijuana plants tied to a unmarked Ford Explorer with strobe lights flashing. The local PD said it was their biggest seizure ever. They valued the pot at $20,000.00. I asked how many were arrested. Noone. A parade, no arrests and the war on drugs goes on.


Moderator Emeritus
Like the war on poverty, the war on some drugs (and now the war on terrorism) will never be over. They are wars against enemies that can never be eradicated because their definition changes as time goes on. There will always be someone who is poorer than anyone else, there will always be someone who wants to alter the natural chemical balance of their brain and body and there will always be hatred. Its like waging war against human nature...

What's next??? The war on guns?


New member
Four police vehicles escorting another vehicle on parade w/ 20 pot plants tied to it............. :rolleyes:

One wonders what real crimes they could have been working on while out on this dog and pony show.


Like the war on poverty, the war on some drugs (and now the war on terrorism) will never be over.

As long as humans walk this earth, the above quote will always be true.

I could never understand plants being made illegal. I mean, God placed them here for a purpose, and they aren't pretty to look at (as with the mushrooms and the piote(sp) root) and they don't have pretty flowers so they must have been created for some purpose for humans. (please, don't get me wrong, not trying to turn this into a religious thread, just my belief, nothing else okay).

Oh, and the so called poor in this country live better than most middle class in others.



Well, the war on crime is something that is man made with the exceptions of a few basic laws that came with the beginning of time.

The governments make criminals every day of people that went to bed that night as law abiding.

I guess the same can be said of the war on drugs, back in the early 1900's, people went to bed that night as "self medicators" and woke up the next as drug criminals. The same with the war on firearms (we are in a war on this issue) and the war on proverty started when the government decided to place a guideline on incomes that placed a family that thought they were doing good into the position of being poor. Since back then, being poor was considered something to be ashamed of, and now the government basically told your neighbors and towns people that you were now poor, brought shame upon the household and thus that household reached to the extended hand of the government. And many generations later, most of these same families are still feeding from the government trough.




True. But back then, the average "old age" was in the 50's with real old timers being rare. So therefore, if you weren't hitched by 12 (or 13, forgot which) then you were considered a spinster. By the time your kids got of age, you were most likely in your golden years at the age of 45.

If you really wish to get into history, upon the girls first menstrual cycle, they were considered women and of child production years and thus of marrying age, no matter if the girl was an early bloomer, or a late bloomer.

I don't know what year that the age of consent laws were created; all I do know is that the age of consent has been raised since the initial law was put into place, averaging out to around 16 to 18 today. Which makes no sense since the laws today don't entitle you to all adult "rights" until you are 21, in some states, 25.

It has also gotten to the point that the governments, local and federal, have closed the "loopholes" on men marrying child brides, as with Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis, even with parental consent.



New member
Reminds me of PeeWee Herman getting busted for masturbating. All that LEO talent that could have been out trying to do something meaningful and instead gets wasted on idiocies like that.

Same thing with the pot parade.

Hunter Rose

New member
Since "Age of Consent" was mentioned...

There REALLY needs to be some overhaul done on this.

I used to talk about the imaginary scenario of a guy picking a girl up at the bar (assuming she was of age, since she was in a bar drinking), taking her home, and finding out the naxt day that she was under-age. This ain't a hypothetical anymore...

Happened to a friend of mine. He thought the girl looked a little young, but she had an ID saying she was 22. They went back to his place, had their fun. Couple weeks later, she invited him to her 15th birthday party... :eek:

As far as I can tell, the ONLY reason he isn't in jail is because the girl got pregnant, and her mother figured it was better for "daddy" to be out working (hence, paying child support) than in jail. Had the girl NOT gotten pregnant, who knows...