Posting personal photos......?


New member
I have some digital photos of my Kimber that I would like to post to a thread. I understand how to create the link to the photo but the problem is I don't have a website to post on and I don't know where or how to get my photos to such a place. Can anyone offer advice on my best options short of me subscribing to some service that I wouldn't use very often. Thanks.


New member
The free e-mail provider Net Taxi also offers a free stroage account that you can use for putting up pictures or storing a few files. I believe that you can get up to 5 megs free. More than 5 megs cost some nominal amount.


New member
Thanks Amelia

It took me a while but it finally worked after about twenty tries. I learned that I could not post as "img" however the "url" method works. Thanks again.