Posting No Trespassing Signs in National Forest

Double J

New member
- For many years I've hunted the public hunting areas of our local Shawnee National Forest without problems. Two years ago the entire 8000 acres where I normally hunted has had signs up saying the usual "no trespassing, private property, etc."
-After a records check at the court house there, I learn the land is Not private property but still public, USA owned land. Still not satisfied, I questioned the area Ranger station. They have up to date plat maps.
Again they show the land as public.
-There is a parcel of land that adjoins this area. I find it difficult to believe that land owner has no knowledge that someone has posted Forest land, starting at his boundary.
-If this posting was done by a hunter to scare away others it doesn't reflect well the attitudes of an individual.
-The Ranger office thought it was a good joke, but never offered any advice. They are aware this goes on as they told me it was a "common practice". Why would the National Park Service allow this? They've never taken any signs down. And apparently not discouraged the practice.


New member
I can think of three possibilities.

1.) A hunter not wanting to share his favorite spot.

2.) An adjacent private land owner having trouble with trespassers from the public land.

3.) An anti-hunting person/group using the tactic to stop hunters.


New member
Where at exactly, if you don't mind saying? I live in the heart of the SNF, might know the area you're talking about.

A lot of landowners are getting pretty liberal with their placement of "NT" signs. I've had trouble a couple of times with landowners trying to throw too wide a loop.

Outfitters are another possibility. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can get an outfitter's license. Some of them tend to disregard boundaries too.

Another real possibility is the Forest Service. Most of the rangers around here are less than open and honest. The worst offender happens to be the head of this area. I can see them trying to close an area for whatever reason they have.

Not to mention the pot growers, meth heads and other criminal types trying to keep people from finding their illegal activities.