Poster without a gun in it

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

Trying for an appeal to social justice, without even showing a gun. Hope it would go over better with fence-sitters than something showing Tamara or runt with a belt-fed grenade launcher ;)

Suggestions on phrasing, composition, etc. are welcome.
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Ben Swenson

New member
Hmmm ... Tamara and runt with belt fed grenade launcher, eh? When can we expect this one?


Good one - as usual - Oleg.


New member
"She could have protected herself if her hands weren't tied..." Support the 2nd ammendment.

or Support concealed carry.

"Having your hands tied by gun control will only end one way..."

maybe not the best but just thoughts...

BTW - love your stuff, hope your ok in TN and look forward to more. (Still have the Beretta?)


New member
Mmmmm.... belt-fed......

(in my best Homer Simpson voice over).


You always do a hell of a job, keep it coming!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
That Beretta 92 is gone. It worked great (could feed ANYTHING) but I never did get used to a manual safety on the slide. I am down to Glocks/Kahr/P32 now just to simplify training.

I will make something based on the puns suggested. This poster tried to illustrate the notion that a person strangled with her own pantyhose is more acceptable to the antis than the same individual armed and safe.


New member
First, too much text. Something like SlackO's suggestions would make the point just as well, and make for less reading for those with short attention spans. ;)

Second...the image on the right looks odd. She looks bored, not distressed. The cloth doesn't look like a restraint, and her hands are relaxed rather than tense.

Lord Grey Boots

New member
Gotta add a period after PROTECTION. Its too long a caption to run without one.

How would it look with the first sentence under the left picture, and the second under the right?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
The pic on the right was supposed to represent "dead". If it doesn't work, perhaps I can leave just the left photo and leave the calamities to the viewer's imagination.


New member
Perhaps you can replace the right photo with simply the background having a chalk outline of some sort on it, with some small dark stains inside.


New member
Ditto about the period after PROTECTION. It runs together as it is.

Pic on right doesn't look dead enough - the restrait is too loose.

Otherwise excellent. Do the proportions fit a standard billboard?


New member
1. Keep the right visual.

2. Lose the headline. Way too long.

2a. I know Oleg has thrown lots of time and effort on this one, so I humbly suggest taking a new tack. Let's use the words of the gun-controllers with the right hand visual. Something along the lines of:

"If attacked, give him what he wants."

Support her right to self-defense.

Support concealed carry.

or... (particular to recent CCW hearings in the Land of Perkiness)

"In Colorado, she can't choose to arm herself.
This is her other choice."

Support her right to self-defense.

Support concealed carry.


"Having your hands tied by gun control will only end one way..."

I dig that suggestion
Maybe make the scene a little more violent. Ripped clothing, obviously tightly tied nylons around the hands, maybe around the neck ala hollywood style strangulation. Throw some catsup around her like she was violently beaten and it makes a blunt and obvious point.

"Having your hands tied by gun control will only end one way..."


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I will try various captions.

Different visuals would require a re-shoot or heavy editing of the image. The model is back in MN and I have yet to connect with many locals in TN.