Post 9-11 America


New member
Department of Homeland Security
Patriot Act
Transportation Security Administration

Do you feel safer in post 9-11 America due to the measures listed above (and others) taken by the US Federal Governement to 'protect' its citizens?

Are you willing to sacrifice a little liberty for a little security?


I, for one, put the federal government at the bottom of the list when it comes to faith in protecting myself and my family.

I do not feel any safer, less in fact, than prior to 9-11. The capabilities of the 'terrorists' are now evident. The feds have said not if but when for the next attack.

I am not willing to give up liberty for security. Quality over quantity for me.

The measures listed above are pointless when we have an open southern border.


New member
Feel safer? No. When airline security isn't allowed to search and question people at their discretion for fear of being accused of profiling, I have to wonder at our commitment to protecting the safety of Americans. When our higher-ups are knowingly allowing anyone and everyone to come across our borders without any reasonable chance of being caught, I again wonder about our safety.

As far as giving up liberties to attain safety, I'm willing to be searched and questioned every single time I fly if that's what it takes. If we can't single people out, we should just search EVERYONE - then they can't call racism or profiling on us.

Sadly, I think it's going to take another 9/11 (or worse) to enrage the citizenry enough to put the necessary pressure on our government to get these issues addressed satisfactorily.


New member
I don't where the change has made me any safer, but its a bigger pain in the posterior to fly-which I refuse to do. Fortunately, my job does not require airline travel so it does not hit me directly.

The borders are just one issue which sticks in my craw-Congress is spending money like its a white sale and I don't see where they have gained much of an advantage. It made no sense to me to reorganize at the beginning of this war-it takes a lot of time to get used to working within a new group, and we lucked out so far in that no new terror attacks of magnitude occurred. GW doesn't directly spend the money, but he wouldnt veto a spending bill if you had his head in a C-clamp.

If they feel so free with OUR money, they might want to spend it on new equipment and parts for the military. Aircraft, wheeled and especially tracked vehicles need a lot of maintenence for every hour they are operated, and the arsenals are going to be overloaded in pretty short order with rebuilds. Right now, we do not have the arsenals to accomplish rebuilds quickly.

The Patriot Act feels like gun control laws-the bad guys don't follow them and the good guys are harassed by them needlessly.