Possum Hide


New member
Has anybody ever skinned a possum to use its fur? Also, are they a good source of fat. My Grandma didn't want them, supposedly, because they were too greasy. I thought they might be a good source of fat to rend.


New member
We don't have possums here, but I've never seen them listed on a fur report.

As for the fat, they might be a good source, but I don't think I'd want it. Might work ok for muzzleloader bullet/patch lube?



New member
Southeast OH, eh? What part? I'm from NKY (Campbell County actually) so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be reinforcing a stereotype somewhere by answering this question. Fur is fur is fur. Possum hair is coarse as all hell though. We're talking brush bristles here. The leather is extremely thin and tears really easily in the tanning process. As for the fat, yes they are very fatty. As to whether or not that fat is any good, depends on what you want to use it for. If you're planning on eating it or anything cooked with it... I wouldn't. There are people who say squirrel is greasy and gamy; they've never tasted possum. You know that film that fat free original Pringles leave on the roof of your mouth? Multiply it by ten and then add a hint of ass. Now, if you want to use it for lubricants or waxing, works great.


New member
+1 on Paddywacked's response. I will never eat anything that I have kicked out of dead animals. I have skinned a bunch for some folk that do eat them. There are alot better choices for fur out there. If it was useful, I think there would already be a market for it. What are you wanting to do with 'possum fat?


New member
possum fat

I was just trying to find a use for something readily available and abundant. The oil/lard could be used for cooking, tanning, maybe lamp oil, whatever. Just curious.


New member
You will find that the pelt do have some small value. Do a web search. As for the rest of the animal.........all I can say is here in the South we only eat them when we're out of armidillos.


New member
if You're Planning On Eating It Or Anything Cooked With It... I Wouldn't. There Are People Who Say Squirrel Is Greasy And Gamy; They've Never Tasted Possum. You Know That Film That Fat Free Original Pringles Leave On The Roof Of Your Mouth? Multiply It By Ten And Then Add A Hint Of Ass. Now, If You Want To Use It For Lubricants Or Waxing, Works Great.


Dirty Bill

New member
A taxidermist friend of mine tanned a possum hide andit came out really nice. I don't eat possums though,or raccoons..:rolleyes:


New member
There are people who say squirrel is greasy and gamy; they've never tasted possum. You know that film that fat free original Pringles leave on the roof of your mouth? Multiply it by ten and then add a hint of ass.

Ok, I can understand knowing about the Pringles. I can overlook you knowing what possum tastes like to some extent.

But how do you know what.......err, nevermind. I really don't want to know.




New member
During the Depression and during WWII, we in the SouthWest (Nevada, Arizona and SoUtah) used to hunt and eat wild burros, when necessary. RailRoad Pass Casino used to have a free BBQ once a year. "A Piece of Ass for Everybody" was the advertisement. :D



New member
The dry winter air we have around here makes my skin kind of dry and itchy; I wonder if that possum fat might----naahh.:rolleyes: jd:rolleyes:


New member
i tanned a possum hide once, it came out like a piece of bacon that had fallen under the frig. fur buyer would give a dollar each for the fresh hides.


New member
When I was a kid and trapping I used to get $.25-$1 for oppossum. I would not eat it unless I was really hungry.


New member
You know that film that fat free original Pringles leave on the roof of your mouth? Multiply it by ten and then add a hint of ass.

I don't know about the rest of you, but that's good enough to make the decision about possum fat for me. :D :D :D


New member
Well I found the recipe on another website:

Take a 12" x 24" pine board. marinate the board in Wostishire sauce, dales, and beer. (any brand will do but Sclits is the prefered brand for possum conisours) Drill several holes in pine board and stuff with mushrooms, bell peppers, unions, 3 cloves of garlic and let ingredients sit overnight in refrigerator. Prepare one possum, (fresh is desired but road kill will work as well)by skinning and gutting the possum. Place onto pine board and roast for 10-12 hours or until possum is black and crispy. now take possum off board and throw the carcus away and slice the pine board it to 4" x 4" squares and serve as a desert entre with your favorite meal.