Possibly too political on SCOTUS for this FORUM

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New member
To moderator: This post applies to the Second Amendment, and others, as to the Supreme Court making law rather than interpreting. As we are looking at a new POTUS for up to eight more years, Supreme Court vacancies are inevitable. Most 2nd Amendment decisions over the past many years have been VERY close. Since the "appointee" will hold the term for life. The impact of an anti-amendment "appointee" will negatively affect the next several generations of Americans. How about we change SCOTUS appointment from lifetime to something less. I propose an annual lottery. Each year, each "Justice" enters their name in an elimination drawing. One name is selected and that "Justice" is retired. Potentially; an appointee could serve a lifetime. Conversely; a newly appointed "Justice" could be retired in a year. This method would minimize, though not eliminate, politics. Is it even worth further discussion? Thanks, PFB.

Frank Ettin

PolarFBear said:
...How about we change SCOTUS appointment from lifetime to something less. I propose an annual lottery. Each year, each "Justice" enters their name in an elimination drawing. One name is selected and that "Justice" is retired. Potentially; an appointee could serve a lifetime. Conversely; a newly appointed "Justice" could be retired in a year. This method would minimize, though not eliminate, politics. Is it even worth further discussion?...
Are you aware that the lifetime appointment of federal judges is a matter of the Constitution? See Article III, Section 1 (emphasis added):
Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.​

So while you try to work up support for your constitutional amendment, we'll put this thread to rest.
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