Possible trigger job on a Rem. 7400?


New member
Ive got this .243 remington 7400 that shoots sub MOA groups @ 100yds. But the trigger is horrible to say the least, im sure these triggers are impossible to work on, but i'd rather have someone who really knows tell me that. :)


New member
I am not familiar with the 7400. The 700 Remmington had screw driver adjustment. I got it down to 2 pounds and quit. Take it to a good gunsmith and see what they say.


New member
These Rem triggers are similar to the shot gun triggers and they have been reworked for skeet shooters. I believe the Timney operation was sold but the Remington shotgun trigger operation was retained by the family. It was a core swap deal. Your assembly for areworked one plus CASH.:) A google search may turn up something.