Possible to download QuickLoad?


New member
Looking at the Quickload site, I'm not seeing any way to purchase it for immediate download - do you have to wait to have the CD shipped to you? I did download the demo, but there doesn't appear to be any way to purchase a license from within the demo to turn it into the "full" version.

I don't mind "paying and waiting", but I've just gotten used to being able to download a purchased application immediately and wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
It's how the security works. If you publish for download or by mass-produced pressed CD and want to prevent wholesale piracy, you have to have a license key server to keep track of how many times a license has been registered and deny excessive registrations, as Microsoft does, for example. Otherwise your sales suffer as soon as someone gives their key out. The hardware approach is used for the smaller QuickLOAD sales volume by writing a CD keyed to the serial number assigned to the customer at the time the order is placed, giving each customer a unique key and unique CD and making it possible to tell what disc an inappropriate installation came from.