Possible purchase questions.


New member
I have a chance to purchase a FnH spr action in a hogue overmolded stock along with a shilen (unattached) select matchgrade barrel unturned. Both are new items purchased by an older gentleman that has lost his interest in this build due to health issues..
Having it fitted to the rifle is going to run around 350-400 I think? Will truing the action and the barrel show a significant difference in accuracy?How much will having the barrel turned cost? What would a fair price be? And, your opinions of potential accuracy from this weapon? I will be reloading the rounds if purchased.


New member
purchase price is going to be a factor, as you said earlier it is going to cost you around 500 in smithing to get it up and running. It you are getting the gun at 25-35% of original price I would. if not I would just build something else that wont require much machine work that I do not have the tools to do. Just my line of thought. there are a million ways to skin a cat, some ways are just easier and cheaper.


New member
It is your decision. I have a different outlook on rifles and accuracy. all that I can say is that if I was in your shoes I would not do the deal. I would just get a brand new CZ 550 varmint in 308 kevlar, or a ruger 77 and rebarrel it and be done. But that is me, It is an FN and it comes with a barrel blank. you are looking at 1250 + scope (+ wait time for smithing) on the low end of getting this rifle up and running with a new barrel. At the end of the day its your decision and your money. Do some research, see what is out there to be had that is comprable. If you are asking for advice on the deal then it is either to much money or you are questioning yourlsef and that is not good. Trust your gut, my advice is going to differ from yours, guy a, guy b, and guy c...Its like the whole dodge, chevy, ford...they are all vehicles and will probably last a while if maintained.

After reading the post one last time, if i read correct, there is no current barrel on the rifle...if so i deffinatley would just go for something else. There is someting to be said about an unregistered long arm. my 50 cents cause that way to much typing for just 2.


New member
Just getting the barrel fitted shouldn't be more than $150. I had a similar parts set assembled for $350 including Timney trigger and blueing. Not sure action truing etc will add much to a regular rifle in a hunting stock, I keep that for the bench rest set-ups.