Possible Pipe bomb in Times Square NY?


New member
That sounds like B.S
1/What sort or pipebomb uses burning bag to detonate.
2/No-one makes them out of plastic, you can't achieve the required pressue.

3/Maybe it was...but the guy who made it was a complet idiot.


New member

What exactly is a pipe-bomb? I've never been explained as to what those things are. :confused:



New member
A pipe bomb is made by taking a piece of pipe, filling it with gunpowder, and capping the ends, generally leaving a place for a fuse. I can see it detonating with the bag lighting the fuse, but if it was deliberate, the culprit was very stupid.


New member
Roc Kor:

Take a simple metal pipe, fill with something that goes *boom*, seal ends.

Drill a hole in the pipe (do this BEFORE you put in the stuff that goes *boom*) and insert something to make the stuff inside go *boom*.

Pipe bomb :D

The damage is caused by the fragmentation of the pipe when it shatters as the pressure builds up from the *boom*. Too thin of a pipe (or some idiot that uses plastic) :confused: or not having a solid seal on the end caps will make a "pipe pop" rather than a pipe BOMB. :D


New member
They are now investgating a NYPD transit officer who has had Psychiatric problems since 9/11 and was about to leave the force !!!!! We don't need terrorists we have psychos in the police !


New member
Also, IF any ballbearings etc are wrapped around outside of bomb, only explosives go in the inside, scoring the casing isn't done if it's made by someone who doesn't watch too many movies, scoring it makes case weaker and less powerfull, off-setting any possible advantage of a 'fragmentation' effect. As a rule of thumb though, nothing is usually attached, normally power of the blast is quite sufficiant on it's own.