POSP, PK-AS, or Kobra for AK?

Willie D

New member
I'd like to get some type of side rail mounted optic for my AK. I'm not interested in scout mounts and my price range isn't very high. I also like the idea of a "commie" setup.

Currently trying to decide between a 4x24 POSP (with x39 bullet drop reticle), a PK-AS (or PK-ASV), or a Kobra holosight.

I've never really used red dot sights before but it seems like they would be a good iron sight replacement for the AK and the speeded up target acquisition sounds nice. That said, the only thing my AK ever shoots is paper and I don't have any problem hitting it with irons until longer distances so maybe the POSP makes sense. Then again the mechanical inaccuracy of the AK may become more apparent using a 4x scope.

The rundown I've got so far is that all are very durable and that all require a higher than normal cheek weld.

The POSP has rather murky glass and there seem to be more than a few lemons out there.

The Kobra is an Eotech-type holosight. The only real bad things I've read about are battery life and the abundance of fakes on the market.

PK-AS is an Aimpoint type clone that people have spoken highly of but the -AS mount is WAY left of the barrel and the -ASV mount seems very high. Also, I'm not sure if the PK is parallax free like the Aimpoint. My understanding is that there is a black dot on the lens itself and I don't see how that could not be affected by cheek weld.

I'd love to hear opinions on any or all of the above. Thanks!


New member
I have a real Kobra- the one with the coin cell, not the AA batteries (or whatever that other model uses). It works fine, but has a rather high sighting plane- much more heads up than an Aimpoint. Right now they're rather hard to find, and when last I saw them, they cost darn near as much as less expensive EOTechs (say, the 511) and Aimpoints (like the ML3), while being harder to find parts for and less intuitive to get sighted in.


New member
I have a Kobra on my Saiga. It works very well. The only thing I don't like is the elevation and windage mechanism.


New member
HI Willie, the Kobra is my favorite red dot. Although you have 4 recticle shapes, the simple red dot is the one I use most.

Target acquisition is super fast and for long range shots, just turn the brightness down on the dot so you can, (ghost) see your target thru it. Center the target in the dot and shoot. 100 yd beer cans are "no problem".

I guess I've never thought about the battery life. I replace mine every spring and they last all year, but mine are only turned on when I'm shooting. Some of the 3rd gen (real) Russian Kobra sights use AA batteries, I have one with the AK side mt.

They are also my red dot choice for the flat top AR-15. With the quick release lever, pop them off when you clean the rifle and they always return to dead nuts zero when you put them back on.

For what its worth, I've never had a problem with ANY of mine and the oldest one has around 15 yrs worth,(15,000rds) of 7.62x39 recoil on it. Good luck, Ken


New member
I have a PK-ASV on my Arsenal SLR-106fr. I haven't noticed a parallax problem. It does sit rather high, like most rail-mounted AK sights, but it is not uncomfortably so, nor does it disallow a cheekweld. The more head-up position is really quite good for snap shooting.

As I've used it primarily in the daytime, I've not had the reticle illuminated much. The black dot works fine for most conditions so far.

I'm sure the Kobra is similarly good.

Now, I'm looking at a 4x PSOP as an alternate for longer ranges. It's nice to be able to swap them out with little to no change in POI.


New member
I have been looking hard at the PK-AS. I love the fact that you can use it without the red dot being turned on. I have yet to handle one in person but it seems to stand out from my other options.


New member
If you didn't care to use the side mount (puts the scope higher than I care to place my cheek on the stock), there is always the LaRue AK red dot. Replaces the rear sight leaf.

Unfortunately, I don't see it anywhere on their website. I've sent them an email inquiring whether it's still available.


New member
I've heard good things about the Kobra from quite a few guys. I'll eventually get an optic for mine but I'm going to go with the Aimpoint T1/H1 and the scout rail setup (have the rail, just haven't sprung for the optic yet).


New member
I have a PK-AS-V on my Arsenal SLR-106FR. It doesn't have parallax to my knowledge. It is a bomb proof scope. I love it. The black/red dot is awesome. I think they have not been imported from Belorussia for quite some time, however.