Positively one of the best mornings in a while.

When reading my local paper this AM. I took notice of an article. In 2001 there were approximately 30 High School young adults throughout this State that belonged to their schools sponsored Trap League. In 2013 there are now 3400 High School young adults belonging to their High Schools sponsored Trap League. It also mentioned 400 kids were turned (down) last year from joining their High School League by the Minnesota State High School Clay Target League for lack of having enough facility equipment (Trap Lanes) to accommodate them all.
Another new development: My local police department has apparently opened their near new 2.2 million 12-lane shooting facility to public use this year when not being used for local police officer training.{that little piece of news print. I never ever expected to see}
In a small town not more than 5-miles away. The towns Planning Commissioner's just Ok'ed a 3.3 million dollar single floor Shooting Facility having a Sales Show Room and 20-shooting lanes. The building itself is state of the art built for air circulation & environment purposes. It has the ability to expand to a second floor if business dictates a need too. {the only other closest range is 15 miles away. A tad smaller in size as this new facility being built (above) But it is packed with folks all the time. Average wait time last winter for an open lane there was 2-1/2 hrs.

What is going on here in Minnesota? I'm starting to believe in perhaps 2-3 years from now (if there are no upsetting firearm related events that take place locally) there will be more firearms in this State than Cell phones._:eek:_;)

Question: Have any others noticed or been told there is a major up sided tic in High School participation concerning their shooting sports or perhaps a new shooting facility's being built in your State too. (especially locally?)_:)

there will be more firearms in this State than Cell phones
As far as cell phones with active service I am sure there already are. Maybe twice as many.

I know there is a junior trap league in Ohio and have heard participation is increasing. I do not think any of the teams or individuals are school sponsored. I'm not directly involved though.