Positive progress with Remington Customer Service Today!!

If you need background.. Please see this thread: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=442188

I was on the phone with a customer service administrator at Remington Arms Co this afternoon. It appears that they did the "repairs" to my Remington 700 CDL POS and then test fired it and it shot like crap (duh)... It is listed as "repair pending," as they had to wait several days to have a barrel made and blued for it.. Hopefully they will get the barrel and get it put back together by the end of the week.

In regards to my 870 Wingmaster Piece of crap. They are sending me a new 870 Wingmaster to replace the POS... I have to wait for them to make another run of 12 gauge wingmasters, apparently they do not have any in stock.. Probably going to be waiting 30-60 days to recieve another 870...

I give them credit for finally owning up to producing and selling two real pieces of crap.. I hope that the 700 is a shipping only type of deal... As the barrel they put on it from the factory left a lot to be desired..


New member
.300 Weatherby Mag said:
Positive progress with Remington Customer Service Today!!
At least they dealt with you in a timely manner since you first sent the letter.LOL

(For those who wonder what I am talking about, .300 sent Remington a letter in October last year).


New member
I give them credit for finally owning up to producing and selling two real pieces of crap.

i didnt realize that the 700 had quality concerns. or any concerns. everything i have heard about it is very positive.

unless you just meant your specific rifle being a POS. in which case, it happens sometimes. im just sorry remington didnt deal with it faster. seriously lowers my opinion of them, and further confirms that savage is the best rifle manufacturer on the planet :D


New member

I was a huge remington fan and still am, but lately I've been more open to other brands. Personally, I would love to see Remington come through make the situation right for your sake and theirs - I hate to see a company with such heritage go down like this.
i didnt realize that the 700 had quality concerns. or any concerns. everything i have heard about it is very positive.

unless you just meant your specific rifle being a POS. in which case, it happens sometimes. im just sorry remington didnt deal with it faster. seriously lowers my opinion of them

My 700 CDL and the Wingmaster both qualified for the POS label... To buy two remingtons a month apart and both have them be crap is alarming... Unless I hit the statistical lottery on crap...


New member
ndking1126 said:
Personally, I would love to see Remington come through make the situation right for your sake and theirs - I hate to see a company with such heritage go down like this.

Remington was once a stand up company with some of the best QC in the Firearms bussiness, now there QC and customer service is non existent.
Please tell me how a company can issue a recall but don't call it a recall, call it a buy back for a dangerous firearm (Remington 597 semi-auto .17hmr) that retailed for around $500 and only give you $200 or $250 (depending on model) for it but you have to spend that $200 or $250 on another Remington. The Remington .17hmr ammo is also recalled and it retailed for around $15 a box and they will only give you $10, the box has to be full (50) and you have to pay the shipping back to them.
IMHO that is a real stand up company "NOT"
If you jump up and down enough apparently they will rebarrel there POS 597 to a 22mag or give you a bolt action marlin rimefire worth a little less, but why should you have to threaten to take them to court to get it. I can gaurantee most people with a 597 just bent over and let Remington give it to them. If you ask me Remington is not 1% of the company they were 20 years ago.

Recieved the new 870 Wingmaster today from Remington... Looks good... I seems that there was far more care taken in its construction than the one I sent back that they replaced... I should get the 700 back next week with a new barrel and trigger on it... Kudos to Remington for making it right (or least 1/2 right for the time being).