Positive Firearms Depiction in Movie: Couples Retreat


New member
I saw this movie with the wife and was pleasantly surprised. Fairly early in the movie Vince Vaughn and his wife awake to hear someone messing with the glass door to their home. Vaughn grabs a Ruger autopistol from one of the lockboxes with the hand shaped key pad before going downstairs to confront the intruder. The intruder cannot be seen clearly trough the drapes but manages to get the door open, sets off the alarm and enters the home. He is concealed in the drapes but Vaughn challenges him and announces he has a gun.

In the end it is Jason Bateman's character, a friend who was following up on the idea he put forward earlier. Vaughn berated him for doing something so stupid and almost getting himself shot. Not ONCE is Vaughn's possesion or use of the handgun questioned! The scene then moves on with telling the alarm company nothing is wrong and the rest of the story.

Frankly I was shocked a how natural it was portrayed with no negative connotation. To make it more interesting tuis was suburban Chicago! Perhaps Vince Vaughn is one of us.

So if you are looking for a funny date movie which will not offend your 2A sensibilities give Couples Retreat a try.


New member
Thanks for the tip. Off the top of my head I can't think of many films with a naturalistic portrayal of SD/HD.

I'm wondering now if there was ever a discussion here of the Jodi Foster film The Brave One....


New member
Great footage of Kahr pistols. Shooting the cop toward
the end has to be one of the most hilarious scenes I've
seen in awhile.


Can't remember ever seeing a movie without a gun in it. I don't see that much overt anti 2A propaganda in movies. Most of the damage is from the money made from the glorification of violence going to liberal political agendas. As far as I know Vince is Rosie O'donel without makeup.


The Lethal Weapon series was bad about this. Lines by characters, posters in the background, plot lines.

Thanks, I never noticed that. I'll take your word for it. I'd hate to have to suffer through any of those again. Think I only saw the first one. I ****** off a local stage director when she asked me if I could get her some blanks for a play she was directing. One of the actors had emptied out some shot shells to use and he failed to get all of the shot out. When he fired it on stage, the blast was terrible and a piece of shot was heard to impact in the set.
I asked her why they couldn't do a play without guns and she was very annoyed that I had put her in the same boat with Rosie O'donnel. I apologized for the mistake but I still wasn't interested in helping a theater group exploit guns.


New member
The Lethal Weapon series was bad about this. Lines by characters, posters in the background, plot lines

That always irritated me. This is a franchise that has made millions on the Beretta 92FS and Donner is a huge Brady drone.


New member
The 3rd one was the worst and was really over the top about this. Everything about it was anti-gun. From the idiotic, rhetorical speeches by Renee Russo melting guns into "paper clips", to the complete misrepresentation of what "cop killer" bullets really are, to anti-NRA posters in the background with KKKlansmen holding "assault" rifles, etc.. It just went on and on and on throughout the whole flick. If it wasn't for the fact that I was at the movies with a group (and needed the ride), I would walked out of the theater.

In any case, I won't watch, rent, or buy any of the Lethal Weapon series any more because of this.
Fairly early in the movie Vince Vaughn and his wife awake to hear someone messing with the glass door to their home. Vaughn grabs a Ruger autopistol from one of the lockboxes with the hand shaped key pad before going downstairs to confront the intruder.

Frankly I was shocked a how natural it was portrayed with no negative connotation.

Although it may have portrayed the use of firearms in a better light than most hollywood movies, it sure doesn't look good to see poor tactics.


New member
Although it may have portrayed the use of firearms in a better light than most hollywood movies, it sure doesn't look good to see poor tactics.

That is debatable. Not everyone can simply hunker down in one part of the house and wait for the cavalry. If I hear something I am leaving my bedroom armed to ensure the kids are same. We have a cape with their two bedrooms on the second floor and ours on the first.

In the movie Vaughn had two kids.

I think most parents would see the need to secure them.