Ported barrel affect night sight?


New member
I've seen in some pictures on gun manfc. websites the flames that shoot out of the top of the ports and I'd assume they would only last fractions of a second, but would that affect night sight if you're looking down the gun?


Yes. Even without porting the muzzle flash can blind you for a short time.

Some premium self-defense ammunition is loaded to have very low flash--occasionally a gun magazine will run a test and print the results. Or you might be able to find something on the web.

It is my understanding that Cor-Bon's ammunition is low-flash.

Sir William

New member
I did my own experiments a few years ago. I used my regular 230 gr Federal Hydra-Shok loads, The weapon was my SA V10 Ultra Compact w/porting. I went out in a field with a safe backstop and waited for darkness. I had some milkjugs for targets. I fired a magazine while sighting at the targets. I only fired one magazine. When I could see again, I drove home. I got rid of the Springfield and avoid ported handguns.


New member
Night sights on a ported gun = waste of money.

Ported is an interesting concept for a range gun, but definitely *not* a carry option. Evening, night, indoors ... setting yourself up.

Nuff said.


New member
I knew a cop who had his 357 ported, he fired it once in the dark and sold it ! There are a number of variables for muzzle flash but all are made much worse with porting . Newer powders have flash suppressants but the flash varies from powder to powder. Higher pressure cartridges have more flash and muzzle blast.Bullet weight and barrel length also have an effect.


New member
Thats funny, I've fired ported gun many times in the dark and never had any problems. Under stress fire most don't even remember seeing the flash, day or night. Can someone please provide a written sourse concerning never use a ported weapon at night. thanks for any help.


New member
Under stress the pupils open up, a nice reflex that works well with the extra muzzle blast from a ported firearm :D



Sounds like you're either using low-flash ammunition or you blink when you pull the trigger.


New member
Also ported barrel cannot be use on a cast bullets either, I remember when I have Dan Wesson .44 mag it have a caution said use jacket bullet only do not use cast bullet.

juliet charley

New member
Ported barrels are a bad idea on a defensive handgun for a number of reasons. The best thing to do is to save the ported barrels for range toys.

Dusty Miller

New member
My FA 454 Casull is ported and I put nothing but cast lead bullets through it. It works just fine. However, I've never shot it at night.


New member
My FA 454 Casull is ported and I put nothing but cast lead bullets through it. It works just fine.

Dusty, You could put that up as a topic in the revolver section and start a lively exchange.


Dark Angel, try : Massad Ayoob, Clint Smith, Jeff Cooper, etc.,etc. Just about all the shooting authors say it is a bad idea. Plus, if you have to fire at a contact distance, say from a speed rock or similiar position, you can light yourself up. I've fired my SIG at night with low flash ammo (Federal 9BP) with no problems, and with cheap generic and it was like loooking at a photo flash.


When we shoot at a private range, my wife does NOT seem to have any problems hitting her target. Lights on or lights out (it IS a private range), she just keeps it in the X ring.

I, on the other hand CAN hit minute of man targets AFTER muzzle flash 'night blinds' me. With my 2" snubbies no less. So, either way, there are a LOT of variables. To each his OR HER own.


New member
At the risk of sounding dumb, I'd like to interject with a question. What exactly IS barrel porting?


New member
I had my Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 Magnum magna-ported;
however, I never even considered firing it at night.


the possum

New member
I think this is more dependant on the person and what you're used to.
I used to load my .45 with a max charge of Unique, which creates a big fireball even in daylight. My .454 with light charges of ball powder makes an impressive fireball about 2 1/2 feet in diameter. (though no one's volunteered to measure it for me yet. :) ) I've put hundreds of rounds through my .45 at night, and the flash has never once been a problem that I recall.

On the other hand, I recently let 2 different buddies try it on separate occasions, and they both remarked about the loud noise and flash. So I guess it's just what you've grown accustomed to.

Now, regarding ports in a fight, while they may not help during a very close scuffle, I really doubt they're any worse than the blast from the muzzle itself, or the blast coming from the cylinder gap of a revolver.

King high

New member
I'm not to worried about shooting in the dark, since I see myself taking bad guys out in a 7-11, or a bank robbery "attempt". I envision a scenario where the bad guy "attempts" to hold up the 7-11 , and I in turn draw the trusty G 20 C and return fire. He freaks out, crouches down behind the racks and heads for the door. I in turn, index with his "doo-rag" as it rides 3" above the counter tops, pumping out rounds like some kind of carnival shooting game. Of course at this stage of the failed robbery "attempt", creamers, swizzel sticks, and assorted cup cakes are being shredded and raining down on patrons like confetti at some kind of victory parade. Not to mention the Slurpy machine that took two hits to the "blue berry" side and is now dumping its contents onto the floor. Now my question is this..........Will the flame from the porting on a Glock 10mm cause the fire head sprinkler above me to go off? Thank You.