

New member
General Discussion: A place for general discussion and Member hob-nobbing.

"Sorry, guys, but I'm failing to see how this is a gun-related thread."

Thread locked.


How about 'need good bluejeans' or 'best tasting beef jerky?'. Heck, I posted a general discussion message regarding a TV show on A&E Sunday (Nero Wolfe).

I'm perplexed...I thought general discussion was...general discussion???


Perhaps if the perp would have shouted "Pull" as he was tossing the poodle. :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.


New member
This happened here in town, and has outraged the community... Personally, I would have run the punk over, since a CCW in SJ is about as easy to come by as a flight on Airforce 1...

Rant On!!!

IMHO, I think that Long Path's locking of the thread is wrong, but then, it seems typical for this board...

Personal Observation... I like the board, and the members here, as well as Rich, whom I have helped on more than one ocassion to resolve server/site problems...

I just don't frequent here as much as I did at one point, because it seems that "over moderation" is more likely than not to be frequent, such as this.

As for whether it was gun related or not shouldn't matter, the charter of this forum is
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"A place for general discussion and Member hob-nobbing. Please use this Forum only for posts that do not fit well in the other, specific Forums[/quote]

And this post clearly didn't fit the other forums, falls under the guise of "General Discussion", and I just disagree with the lack of tolerance displayed a moderator of this board. I doubt that Long Path would ever be inclined to admit his error in a public manner, but I certainly would welcome it.


Rant Off...


New member
I'da shot the SOB on the spot. "He threw my dog out into oncomming traffic, then he grabbed me.... I feared for my life."

The Bible is my lawbook. I turn the other cheek when applicable, and spend the rest of my days resisting evil at every front, until I have breathed my last breath.


New member
Well, since the gun content of the thread deals mostly with forumites shooting the tosser,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Personally I thought the TV tax had more of a tie in. It ain't much of a stretch of the imagination to see that one of the most effective ways to attain gun control is to tax the crap out of them.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
On a tactics list, we once had an argument
about a scenario where you are in the boonies
and see a sociopath tying a dog to a fence
and setting it on fire (this was a real case).

Would it be legal to intervene with force?
Deadly force?
Be a good witness?

Legality depends on some subtle nuances of state law.

What to you think? Remember howls of "Just shoot 'em" may get you the Soapy Shower Slammer Fun Time Vacation.

Go for it.


There are times that perhaps the moderating on TFL may seem somewhat over zealous. However after visitng some of the other firearm discussion sites during TFL's recent outage I am very thankful for all the moderators here.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

Long Path

New member
Okay, okay, I've been pretty hard on non-topical discussions, lately, I'll admit. I'm trying, people, to get us narrowed down on General Discussion to more... er, GUN-related topics. No, I'm not hard-and-fast, and yes, I should've sent a courtesy email. My mistake, and I admit it.

I'm sorry.

Still, I'm not unlocking the poodle-pitch thread (of course, we have one re-opened right here, don't we?), because it's NOT topical.

Blue jeans? Well, yes, actually, that IS topical. Why? Because for many of us who like not to support anti-firearms companies, it's a real pain when we find that our favorite product is now an anti-gun one. Levi's were once my bread-n-butter dungarees. I wore 550's and 560's all the dadgummed time. I found it to be a major hassle to find me a new brand of knock-around canvas trousers when I found out that Levi Strauss and Co. had turned into a bunch of HCI shills. So I, for one, was okay with the thread.

I miss a few. Some slip by me. Sorry for that; it makes me appear to be inconsistant. Also recognize that we have three busy moderators on this forum, and each has his own style of moderating (though I, for one, am nonetheless quite fond of my co-moderators). Some are more permissive, and some are not. But hey, where are are you gonna find better, for the money we get paid? :) :D ;) (We all volunteer, and proudly.)

I miss a bunch, what with working 45+ hrs/week, commuting 76 miles roundtrip to and from Dallas, taking 12 hours this semester in College, and being a daddy. So I do apologize in advance for some off-topic discussions that will rage in my absence, on occasions. jeffelkins, I swear I'm NOT trying to pick on you; I'm just trying to focus our resources a little better.

Regards to all--

Long Path.


New member
I respectfully submit to you that, although not involving a firearm, the poodle rager story is relevant to this bulletin board.
The implied questions are numerous. What would one of us do in the same situation? Does one use deadly force to protect a beloved pet? Did the woman make a tactical mistake by opening her window enough to allow someone to snatch the poodle? What if it was a child instead of a poodle? Can we learn from this event, and apply the lessons to our own lives? Road rage is a part of every day life. We that are armed must look for lessons all incidents, weapon related or not, that deal with facing an agressor.
It does not matter whether you unlock the poodle thread, as the link still exists, and we may individually reflect on it, and ask ourselves what we might have done.

Long Path

New member

Well put. Had it been put in that context, I'd have left it alone.

Implied connections don't always mean that it's appriate, though, IMO. I'd like them to be a bit more overt. If our discussions run to cars, say, you could make the point that the implication is that we're discussing which car would best transport firearms and could best be counted on to resist burglary that would result in a car-stored firearm lost. But I'd like to actually talk about it as it pertains to guns. This is NOT hard and fast, I know.

Please go to the original thread and read the responses to the initial link. They were NOT gun or tactic-oriented.
