Polycase ARX Inceptor ammo?


New member
Forget it. I'd seen a lot of ads and articles recently regarding Polycase ARX Inceptor self-defense ammo in 9mm. The bullet is a 74 grain copper powder mix and polymer blend. The much lighter bullet weight along with its being fluted instead of hollow point is supposed to increase penetration. And with the bullet remaining intact, the fluted bullet is supposed create greater cavitation. Whatever. And with the lighter bullet weight the overall cartridge is lighter and translates to an overall lighter carry package in the loaded carry weapon.

Curious to try something innovative I purchased three boxes that I found for cheap: box of 25 for $18. (Normally they go for around $21.) And now we know why it is axiomatic to always, always, try out the self-defense ammo you intend to carry and stake your life on. I have an XDM-9 3.8 that has quickly become a favored carry gun. Up until yesterday's range trip my XDM had roughly 500 rounds through it. FLAWLESSLY. As they say, Not a hiccup. And this gun is remarkably accurate. A great shooter. Anyway, I decided to run a box of the ARX Inceptor through it. Let me say that the XDM eats the cheapest re-loads to the Hornady Critical Duty and everything in between and loves it all. Starting out I loaded 10 rounds of the ARX Inceptor rounds and thus began my nightmare. Of the 10 rounds fired I experienced 5 FTE!!! Are you kidding me??? These were not quite stove pipes, but the shell casing was trapped sideways as the slide was attempting to reciprocate. Not wanting to mess up a heretofore perfectly running firearm I stopped shooting the junk altogether. I immediately began shooting the 100 rounds of Federal white box and my XDM returned to it natural state of hitting everything I aim at. Purring like a kitten. Don't waste your money on the ARX Inceptor junk. And remember to always test fire your self-defense ammo before you decide to carry it.