Poly Kahrs


New member
I know alot of members here have Kahrs in their collections and many of them are their polymer framed models. I owned a PM40 for a while and the frame seemed to not be up to stuff. By that I mean the usual course of shooting the gun seemed to generate excessive wear on the gun. I had alot of polymer shavings inside the gun and the frame rails got chewed up.

Has anyone else had this issue? Or does your Kahr, especially the frame rails, seem to be holding up as well as a Glock or HK? Can anyone give me an explination as to why their frames seem softer?


New member
My Kahr PM9 is not a "range" gun. It is for concealed carry. I periodically run a few magazines full through it and clean it at least once a month. But, I don't try to put a high volume of rounds through it. No issues so far.


New member
The amount of rounds is not the issue. Crappy materials is the issue. I wasn't talking about several thousands of rounds through a Kahr (which any normal gun should be able to handle). I had the gouging after a few hundred rounds.
That wear sounds excessive. I'd shoot an email to Dottie Herold or Stefan Dorman at Kahr customer service and see what they can do about fixing this.

I don't have a polymer frame -- I have an MK9. I've put almost 300 rounds thru it since May, no issues, for whatever that's worth.


New member
My ownership of the PM40 is past tense. I unloaded it after a very lengthy and unsuccessful trip back to the factory for about a 20% FTF rate and broken mag followers. But I did buy a K40 Covert that is a great little gun. I am looking to sell it, but I want an MK9 instead for back-up use on duty and carry off duty. I have been pocket carrying the K40 Covert around the apartment and its not bad at all. An MK9 with a good pocket holster to distribute the weight should be a great light duty gun.

I was just wondering if anyone else finds the poly Kahrs to be sub par to most other poly guns quality. IMO the steel kahrs are way better and I do wish they made an alloy frame.


New member
I'm not real happy with my PM40 because it often fails to go all the way into battery. I gave them a call and they sent me a replacement guide rod and spring which they claim will fix the problem. It's a 2 hour round trip drive to the range so I haven't tested the "fix" yet but maybe later this week.


New member
I have only had one issue with my Kahr P-9. The trigger pin would walk a little after about 50 rounds. Never caused a problem, other then fo my holster that is. It was a early production gun. They shipped me a new grooved pin when I called in and I have not had an issue with it since.

My Glock tool worked well for the job too.


New member
Talked with a buddy yesterday that has a polymer framed Kahr...he's really dissapointed with it, has ordered a new frame and then is going to sell it.. Says the frame is wearing unevenly on it.


New member
I had a chance to shoot a box of ammo through a Kahr P9 this weekend from a guy that owns a local range. He said that it had 5,000 rds through it and its been very durable and reliable. He likes it so much that he's going to give it to his daughter as her carry gun.


New member
Bout 600 rounds through my PM9 so far. I field stripped it last night for weekly cleaning and took a look at the plastic rails. They don't look too beat up at all at this point and I havent noticed any plastic shavings in my pocket, holster or the gun itself. I will definitely let everyone know if this becomes a problem in the future.


New member

What does he mean by wearing unevenly? AND how much is he asking for his pistol w/new frame?:)

Since the STEEL inserts in the frame are what the slide is indexed on, why would wear on the plastic be of concern? The steel insert at the rear of the frame and inside of the dust cover are whats important. Plastic vs. a steel slide is always going to give I guess mine is to well worn after 7 years to tell if is wearing.


New member
I've got about 500 rds through my PM9...no FTE's, No FTF's, no barrel peening, no wear on the ploymer frame...I like it!


New member
About 1000 rounds thru my P45 with no probs. Its my primary CCW. It was made last fall. I have read that some of the earlier ones did have plastic problems but that kahr beefed them up. I made sure I got the latest made one I could find.
The only poly Kahrs I've heard of that had a consistent quality issue were the PM9. Since the PM40s are so similar, perhaps they were also affected?

AFAIK, the issue was for the PM's made a few years ago, and the problems were fixed in newer models.


New member
I picked up a CW40 late last year. Right out of the box, I couldn't get the slide to go into battery. Very rough and uneven movement between the slide and the rails. The barrel appeared to be almost completely unfinished, as though it had skipped any polishing operation and went straight to the assembly procedure. I did finally get it up and running and while somewhat unaccustomed to the long DA pull, at least it was functioning alright through the first couple of hundred rounds. But then I started to have problems with the slide stop locking back after every round. After disassembly, I found that plastic shavings from the frame had worked their way into the small spring that activates the slide stop, causing it to push the slide stop up after every shot. Started me thinking that maybe the plastic Kahr is using for their guns isn't quite the same as some of the polymers that other manufacturers are using.